The Amundi Evian Championship

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Ayaka Furue's Caddie Michael Scott

Quick Quotes

Q. Mikey, I would like to know the feelings you have right now being drenched in champagne after today's day?

MICHAEL SCOTT: It smells like something I want to drink more of later on.

Q. Walk me through what this day was like for you. What was the game plan and the mindset for and you Ayaka?

MICHAEL SCOTT: The game plan was to go and shoot like 6-under, but we were kind of pretty far behind. Lauren was playing so good and so was Steph.

Probably playing the 14th hole, you're maybe starting to think maybe it's not your day.

But still five holes to go, and anything can happen coming down the stretch in a major championship.

Today that kind of proved correct. I guess Ayaka put herself there so many times, that you would like to think eventually it goes your way.

Great things happen, and a great thing happened today.

Q. What was the read on 18?

MICHAEL SCOTT: It was just a little hook and then straight. Just down in the bowl so, yeah, small hook and then straight.

Q. Just overall, you guys, like you said, you've been there. What are the feelings for you and what did it mean to see the first eagle and then this one to put you back up?

MICHAEL SCOTT: Yeah, I mean, really just the great feelings was just when the putt went in on the 18th. Before that you're so focused on like what's happening in the moment.

I'm sure today will be good fun.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146312-1-1041 2024-07-14 14:26:00 GMT

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