Q. Here with Angel Yin who finished a very nice round to open up the week. Saw you last week at Lake Nona; then you play well here. How important is it to get off to a good start, especially with the way played at the end of last season?
ANGEL YIN: It's obviously a confidence booster, especially since this time last year I was not walking, I was rolling around. So it's a nice feeling to start the season early; try to get a full season in.
Q. Yeah, last year you had that ankle-foot injury which you out of the competition until the match play, which is still a couple months away. How is that now? Are you fully fit?
ANGEL YIN: Yeah, I think I'm fully fit. It's not like where it used to be. I'm still trying to get into jumps to get my reflexes up. That I don't think has any affect to golf because we're just walking. Until we start running to get faster on the golf course, I think I'm okay right now.
Q. You're a pretty fast player. You're okay. Thanks for talking to us today, Angel. Good luck to you.
ANGEL YIN: Thank you.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports