Q. All right, here with Nanna Koerstz Madsen after her first round here at the Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands. Really great round. I know you had a great start at this event last year. What is it you like about this course? What went well today?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I hit a lot of good shots. I don't know, I like the little firmer greens. There is a lot of the space off the tee and I needed that today.
But, yeah, it was overall a really solid golf.
Q. Obviously first round on the LPGA of this season. How gratifying is it to see such a good round come together? What maybe was the best part of your game today?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I was very pleased with the round. I didn't really know where my game would be at going into the round so I did have a little slow start just with pars, but I think my iron game was the better part today.
I did make some good putts here and there, so, yeah.
Q. You said you didn't really know where your game was going to be at heading into today. Are you making changes you're still working through?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: No, not really. Still doing the stuff I was doing last year, getting to know them better. But just you haven't played tournament golf in two months so you just don't know where things are at.
Q. Pretty solid season. Five Top 10s last year. What are you looking to build upon this year to maybe help get you back in that winner's circle?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I think biggest key for me is to be good mentally out there, just stay happy, not let the bad shots get too much to your head, yeah.
Q. How did that go today?
Q. Not a lot of bad shots out there.
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I did have two bogeys. Did go pretty well.
Q. What was your offseason like? How much time did you put the clubs away? When did you come out of the cold?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I probably -- I took almost three weeks off where, I don't know, probably hit balls twice or something.
And then I started really back up beginning of the January, like on the 3rd.
Q. Do you go to a warmer climate? Indoors?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: We went to Dubai with the Federation for a week and then I live in Boca, so I went there three weeks before this week.
Q. Gotchu. So when you have three weeks of no golf, what do you like to fill your time with?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I like to hang out with my friends and family. You don't really get to see them much around the year, so, yeah, it's just nice coming home and relax a little bit, too.
Q. And do you have any big goals for the year that you would like to share?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I would like to win.
Q. What is it that is going to get you over that hump again?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Really just stay positive out there. Yeah, I have a temper as a lot of people know, so if I can just stay somehow positive, then I think I'll have a good shot of that.
Q. If I could ask about the Dubai trip, anything memorable you took away from your time with the Federation?
NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: No, it's just always nice to see all the young ones, the ones coming up from Denmark. They're playing really good golf and I like giving some back to the Federation and help them in whatever question they have and stuff.
So, no, it was a good trip.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports