Q. Okay, I'm here with Angel Yin after her first round at the Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands. Bogey-free round today. How did you manage that? What were you feeling good about?
ANGEL YIN: Pure luck, because there was some really close calls. I went in the water, kind of screwed up 17. It was just bouncing around, like not knowing what I was doing.
So was able to make the putt and save par, but honestly got really lucky. You know, everything in my game today kind of worked, so that's why I shot a pretty decent round.
Q. After last week, I know last week was sort of a fun start to the season. Are you feeling good about your game? Anything in particular coming off last week's start?
ANGEL YIN: Last week I just didn't score that well, so I kind of finished towards the bottom of the leaderboard. I know if I just keep the momentum up and start scoring and putts start dropping, everything starts to work together, I'll get a good score out of it.
Obviously last week was a good, very good intro into the new season. Never played it and I had a lot of fun. Everybody was really cool. So honestly such a great tournament.
Q. I know you spent some time here in Orlando in the offseason. Did you practice a lot on the Florida grass, on courses down here to get ready for the season?
ANGEL YIN: I took my vacation real seriously so I didn't really practice as much. I think over the years of just living in Florida I have gotten used to it. I think it's really showing up in my game especially playing well at CME which I did struggle with years past.
And so I think I'm -- I think I'm getting the hang of it. Also Michelle is on my bag right now. She's a native of Florida and also very helpful with such things.
Q. I saw you chatting with Hope there. Did she mention the Podcast bump to you?
ANGEL YIN: Yeah, that she wanted me to bump the Podcast. She said why does everybody need to listen to the Podcast? I said, well, Hope needs a job and I think it's a good insight for everyone to see what the LPGA girls are like on a deeper level.
Q. Did she tell that you our Podcast people are really successful the week after they go on the Podcast? Did she tell you about that?
ANGEL YIN: No, she never. She didn't tell me that.
Q. It might be a good week for you. Thanks for being on our Podcast.
ANGEL YIN: Yeah, should've asked me last year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports