Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Angel Yin

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, I'm here with Angel Yin after her first round at the Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands. Bogey-free round today. How did you manage that? What were you feeling good about?

ANGEL YIN: Pure luck, because there was some really close calls. I went in the water, kind of screwed up 17. It was just bouncing around, like not knowing what I was doing.

So was able to make the putt and save par, but honestly got really lucky. You know, everything in my game today kind of worked, so that's why I shot a pretty decent round.

Q. After last week, I know last week was sort of a fun start to the season. Are you feeling good about your game? Anything in particular coming off last week's start?

ANGEL YIN: Last week I just didn't score that well, so I kind of finished towards the bottom of the leaderboard. I know if I just keep the momentum up and start scoring and putts start dropping, everything starts to work together, I'll get a good score out of it.

Obviously last week was a good, very good intro into the new season. Never played it and I had a lot of fun. Everybody was really cool. So honestly such a great tournament.

Q. I know you spent some time here in Orlando in the offseason. Did you practice a lot on the Florida grass, on courses down here to get ready for the season?

ANGEL YIN: I took my vacation real seriously so I didn't really practice as much. I think over the years of just living in Florida I have gotten used to it. I think it's really showing up in my game especially playing well at CME which I did struggle with years past.

And so I think I'm -- I think I'm getting the hang of it. Also Michelle is on my bag right now. She's a native of Florida and also very helpful with such things.

Q. I saw you chatting with Hope there. Did she mention the Podcast bump to you?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, that she wanted me to bump the Podcast. She said why does everybody need to listen to the Podcast? I said, well, Hope needs a job and I think it's a good insight for everyone to see what the LPGA girls are like on a deeper level.

Q. Did she tell that you our Podcast people are really successful the week after they go on the Podcast? Did she tell you about that?

ANGEL YIN: No, she never. She didn't tell me that.

Q. It might be a good week for you. Thanks for being on our Podcast.

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, should've asked me last year.

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152522-1-1041 2025-02-06 19:01:00 GMT

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