Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands

Friday, February 7, 2025

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Hannah Green


Q. Hannah, pleasure following you today. Happened to notice, as did everybody else watching, how hot your putter was. What kind of adjustments did you make at the start of round to have that kind of influence on it?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, kind of had a stop-start warmup today with the fog delay, so just wanted to make sure I was in tune with the speed of the greens because I think that's kind of what got me yesterday.

I think I had the opposite. I had 33 putts yesterday with similar greens in reg, so nice to see one go in. It felt approximate like the hole was a lot bigger than yesterday.

Q. Most definitely. And we also noticed how calm you appear on the golf course. Is that something that is natural to you or is it like one of those things like a duck on the water and underneath it's paddling fast and on the outside it's calm?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I definitely experience nerves just like anyone else, but I think I would rather not get my emotions too high and also too low.

And so some people say I just look a little bit out of it and sometimes I probably am, but, yeah, just felt very easy today so it was nice to just have as stress-free round as possible.

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152546-1-1041 2025-02-07 18:29:00 GMT

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