Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands

Friday, February 7, 2025

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Jennifer Kupcho

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jenn Kupcho. I know not as prolific of a day as yesterday, but still a solid round out there. Just tell me about your day.

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I started out really strong. Kind of fell apart at the turn. Just a couple loose swings. I mean, honestly yesterday was like as good as it can get, especially coming out of offseason.

So I don't know, today I definitely saw what I expected to see yesterday coming out of the offseason. I mean, I'm obviously not upset about it, still at the top of the leaderboard. Just continue doing what I'm doing.

Q. And this golf course, I know maybe on TV doesn't look as difficult as it can play. Where are the teeth in this golf course for and you maybe the rest of the field?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I think it's with the pin placements. There is a lot of run-offs on the greens that you kind of just have to beware of and stay away from a little bit.

I think really these first couple days the pins have been fairly easy, so I think it'll be interesting for the next couple days. Judging off last year's pins they can get dicey so we'll see.

Q. You talked a little bit yesterday about confidence and trying to kind of have that self-belief this season. I know obviously don't want to give too much away, but for you mentally what are you telling yourself on the golf course right now? Is it I belong out here? Is there anything you can share that is really helping you with that self-belief and hitting those good golf shots?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I think it's just like going out and playing and seeing what I can do. I had a call with my mental coach last week and it was kind of like, what are you looking forward to in the first tournament? And I was like, just getting back out there. He was like, well, why don't you take into that, let's just see how it goes.

Instead of going anything that your game is not as good as where it should be, really just being comfortable with where I am and seeing how it goes instead of being stressed out about well, it could be bad, could be good. Just be comfortable.

Q. You've always been a perfectionist, where you really want everything to be as good as it can possibly be, and then have to realize that's not going to happen in golf?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think that's kind of where my anger management comes in a little bit. So I think, yeah, in the last year just kind of being comfortable with where I'm at and, again, yeah, seeing where it goes.

Q. I've seen you when you've been a few behind heading into the weekend and you've beared down and usually end up top of the leaderboard. How excited are you to chase over the next 36 holes? What will you carry forward?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I'm excited to chase for sure. I think it takes a little pressure off coming out of offseason as well. It's nice not necessarily being in the spotlight, just hanging there. Yeah, I think just being comfortable, just taking every shot as it comes and seeing what I can do best with it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
152548-1-1041 2025-02-07 18:40:00 GMT

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