Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands

Friday, February 7, 2025

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, joined by Hannah Green here after her second round at the Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands. Complete 180 from the first round. What were some of the key differences you saw on the golf course today versus yesterday?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, the putter was a lot hotter today. I managed to make a good couple of momentum putts for par, and also saw some more birdies go in.

Yeah, felt completely different to yesterday. I felt like I hit the ball better, but just, yeah, couldn't quite get the putts in the hole.

It was nice to see them fall in today.

Q. Two rounds in. What have you made of Bradenton Country Club, and how does this course bring out your strengths?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it's nice. The greens are maybe a little bit slower than what we are used to, but I think they're quite undulating and tricky, and that's perhaps why they can't get the speed as quick.

You know, I played my practice round, played the pro-am and had good vibes. It's nice the ball striking has been there. Last week at TOC every day I had something completely different, so I'm hoping to be a bit more consistent this week. Hopefully all my preparation I did earlier in the week can get me through to Sunday.

Q. Talk about you made the start last week, this week, obviously next we have Thailand and Singapore. Getting to defend at Singapore. How important is it to get off to maybe a more consistent start as you're saying?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it's really nice to be able to get some good golf in. You know, a title defense is always difficult, and Singapore -- I'm actually not playing Thailand the week before, so straight into an event, and I haven't quite done that before.

Yeah, looking forward to it. Hopefully I can continue what I've been on the last couple days and hopefully have that over the weekend. I'm not sure what the weather looks like, but hopefully there is no fog and no delay and we get beautiful sunshine.

Q. What's the mindset heading into the weekend?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, just make as many birdies as possible. I'm not sure who the leader is and what they finished on, but hopefully I'm not too far behind and hopefully, yeah, the weather is kind to us.

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