Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands

Friday, February 7, 2025

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Jin Hee Im

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Jin Hee Im after her second round. You went bogey-free today. How did you do that? Tell me about the day.

JIN HEE IM: Today in the morning mostly green speed more faster than afternoon, but today we have the fog delay. That make similar to yesterday, so I just like playing yesterday. That's make the good score.

Q. You also mentioned the wind died down a little bit today. How much did that help?

JIN HEE IM: Yesterday maybe one and a half club to changing the wind.

Q. Yeah.

JIN HEE IM: But today maybe just half meter and then pretty good weather. Just hitting to the pin, it's good to the pin.

Q. Yeah. I know you played really well at The ANNIKA last season, had a really good tournament there. How did what help you feel confident in your golf?

JIN HEE IM: I mean, I want to just focusing my groove starting the season. A little nervous and so exciting to starting LPGA, so I just keep trying to playing my groove.

I can do that, that make good score and I have some confidence.

Q. Did your good play yesterday, playing good yesterday, give you confidence going into today?

JIN HEE IM: Yeah, because last year I missed cut in here. I make many plan to the practice round and that make good score that can (indiscernible) me.

Q. What part of your game helped you make that good score today?

JIN HEE IM: First important thing is I think the golf course management, and second thing is putt. I can read the grain well before than now, so that make more into the hole.

Q. Who taught to you read -- you said the grain?


Q. Who taught you to look at the grain and understand what the putt was doing, or read the grain?

JIN HEE IM: I practice one month at the Florida. Maybe I think I need to practice that bermuda greens, so that one month make better.

My caddie good reader to the green. That really help to me.

Q. You saw your name on top of the leaderboard. How did that make you feel when you saw that on 16?

JIN HEE IM: Yeah, that's really great, but, I mean, it's just the second day at the morning, and weather is really good. Afternoon has so many good players, so just good, but it's not too happy now.

I have to keep trying.

Q. Keep trying, keep focused.


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152550-1-1041 2025-02-07 18:54:00 GMT

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