Q. All right, I am here with Lauren Coughlin after another good round. 67 today; 66 yesterday. What was maybe the difference between the two rounds? Both were great.
LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, both were good. I had a double today so unfortunate for that, but I bounced back really good and birdied the next three.
I wouldn't say hit it quite as good as I did yesterday, but made a few more putts. Yeah, I just kind of hung in there and was able to get a good score.
Q. What have you been learning about this course this week that maybe you didn't know last year here or that you're figuring out this week?
LAUREN COUGHLIN: The greens are like just barely slower and then a little bit softer. Really last year -- they're starting to really firm up though. I got some pretty big bounces out there this afternoon.
It was so windy last year that it was just try to hit it to the green and maybe make a few putts if you can, grind out a lot pars.
This week feels like you can make a lot more birdies because the wind hasn't been up too much.
Q. In the chase for the second week in a row. How gratifying of a start is that for you this season?
LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, it feels really good. Bunkers were something I was really trying to work on and I have been pretty solid out of them so far this week. Didn't hit in any last week so I had no idea if any of my work was paying off or not.
Yeah, it's really nice that I kind of feel like I was able to get back to almost like offseason didn't happen too much.
Q. How big of a role for you does like confidence play when you're taking one round into the next?
LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, for sure. Always seeing the ball go in is always nice. Always makes you feel like you can kind of take -- you don't have to try too hard because you know you can make putts when you need to and then you just know you can kind of roll them in to see what happens.
But I think overall I've just been trying to kind of get back into my routine as much as possible, and hopefully have some good results after that.
Q. Last question. Promise. How does the mentality shift on a Saturday knowing it's moving day and being a couple back from the leaders?
LAUREN COUGHLIN: I don't think it changes too much. Again, just going to try to keep in my routine and get in a bubble with Kurt as best I can and try to see what happens after that.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports