Q. Okay, here with Angel Yin after her second round at the Founders Cup. Another bogey-free round for you today, 66. Just tell me about the day.
ANGEL YIN: It was kind of slow my front nine today. Had a really peculiar putt on 17. I mean, late in the afternoon it happens, so the hole volcanoes. My ball ramped up and then jumped in the hole and then spun out on a two-footer.
That wasn't really great, but I did make a really good par save on 15, the hard hole again. So, you know, it's a good trade-off. I'll take it.
Q. Eagle on 6 helped. Take us through those couple shots.
ANGEL YIN: Yeah, so I mean, coming down the stretch I actually told Michelle, there is good news and bad news. The good news is I'm okay and playing. The other is that I'm dehydrated and need a drink of water.
So I was kind of dizzy. It was good to be able to make an eagle when I'm not feeling that great. I was seeing two balls. So I'll drank more water. That's not good.
Q. I was going to ask. How are you going to prepare for tomorrow. Hope the answer was drink more water.
ANGEL YIN: Drink more water.
Q. You are one of the only players in the field, you and Jin Young Ko actually, to be bogey-free. How tough is that to do on this golf course?
ANGEL YIN: It's really tough honestly, especially I can't remember which hole it was. It's that par-4. It's quite long with water. I mean, that hole always really gets me and I've been lucky to be able to make long par saves.
This is really challenging, especially when it's playing in the afternoon, or in the morning too. Wind picks up and everything gets really tight.
Q. Michelle said putting was the key to success today. Do you feel that way? What kind of putts were you making? Long ones? Short ones?
ANGEL YIN: Well, the short one spun out of the hole, so my long ones were really close. I was getting really close and being patient and waiting and a few went in.
Putting always is really good, especially on courses that are really difficult and the greens are big.
So, yeah for sure.
Q. Last question: How do you plan to carry this momentum into tomorrow?
ANGEL YIN: Obviously got good momentum, so try to keep carrying that into the weekend and see what I can do, especially a lot of players are playing really well, especially Jin Young.
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