Q. It was a pleasure following you today. Everything was pretty quiet for the first seven holes and all of a sudden you flipped a switch and it became a ball striking clinic. What did you do to find that little bit of form for that back nine and those last few holes there?
YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, the first few holes they were slow and I was hitting it well; just not making many putts. Then I was telling myself I just needed to see one go in.
I guess I just needed a birdie, on 8, and that really just helped me keep going.
Q. You've been in to this position before in the final group. What will you take from those experiences into tomorrow's round?
YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, really just want to focus on myself. I really try to tell myself that every time I'm in this position. You end up thinking about other scores, other people around you.
I really just want to focus on my tempo and my game tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports