Q. All right, here now with Hannah Green after her final round at the Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands. First top 10 finish of the season. Just take us through the week.
HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, was much better than last week; I didn't perform that well. Kind of just needed to fine tune little things, a few things I should say.
Today felt a little flat. It was great playing with Nelly and the amount of support that she had, but we both didn't make as many birdies as we would like.
Regardless, still a Top 5 finish, so I'm pleased with that.
Q. How does the game feel two full tournaments under your belt now?
HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it's nice. I don't typically play these events. I've made the trip over, so it's nice to have had some good results, but also see what I need to work for to get ready for Singapore for a title defense.
I think I need to play a little bit more while I'm home. I felt like when you're on the range you always hit it good, when you're on the putting green.
Just experience some wind or whatever it may be. Trying to play a little bit more before I get to Singapore is probably my goal.
Q. Anything specific you'll work on in between that time before heading over to Singapore?
HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I'm going to try and catch up with my coach as much as possible. Try and see him at home before we both head on the road. He also works with a few other players that play on multiple tours, so just work with him.
Felt like I hit the ball all right this week. Still a couple not-so-good shots, but definitely on the range. Felt like the winners out here are always the ones that hole the most putts, so just trying to be more consistent with the putter.
Felt a little flat today. Obviously putted really well the second and third round, so always hard to maintain that. Yeah, just go back and take a couple days off and then reset.
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