Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Yealimi Noh

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, I am very pleased to be joined by this year's Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands champion, Yealimi Noh.

Yealimi, congratulations on this first victory. I know it's been a lot to take in in the last 30 minutes. Can you try and describe some of the feelings you're having today and how you feel about having your first win under your belt now?

YEALIMI NOH: Just really, really happy and just really proud of how I kept it together today. I feel like I've been in this position a couple times now and I feel like I really learned from my past experiences.

Really proud I've gotten it done today.

Q. What was the most important thing you learned from previous experience that you applied today?

YEALIMI NOH: Just really focusing on my tempo. With nerves and excitement everything gets a little quick for me and that really translates into my swing and I start to always miss it right.

I kept it really calm and good tempo is all I was focusing on today.

Q. What does it mean that your first victory came going toe to toe with one of the best players in the last ten years?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, it was amazing. Being paired with Jin Young for the last two days, it was my first time playing with her yesterday and it was awesome to watch. I knew she wasn't going to make any mistakes and be really solid.

When I saw my opportunity and I kept it together, I was really proud of myself. It was awesome to watch her play and learn from her, too.

Q. Jin Young said she ordered a long putter earlier this week.

YEALIMI NOH: No way. Really?

Q. How many players have asked you about it or tried your putter?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, a lot. Since last year a lot of people have come up to me and they're like, oh, let me try it. I heard some people are using it as a training aid even if they don't use the broomstick. Apparently it helps, too.

Q. The putter that you have in the bag now, have you had that same one since you switched?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I've tried a different L.A.B. putter, like the DF3 as a broomstick. Yeah, L.A.B. all the way.

Q. Different model?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, but same one.

Q. I know you've been out here since 2020. Was there any point that you doubted you would get a win, or you knew it was just a matter of time?

YEALIMI NOH: I always knew it would happen and it was a matter of time. I was like when and why isn't it coming. A lot of my peers and like girls around my age and just coming in at the same time getting their wins, I always was like, I know I can do it, but when is it coming.

Seeing my competitors and friends win always gave my extra motivation. To really get it done, and especially in the first tournament of the year, is really nice.

Q. For you, it looked like you played as confidently as any of us have seen out there. What hit different with your confidence?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I think just coming into not only this week, but into the year, I just really told myself I got a lot of my confidence back at the end the year last year. That just really pushed me through this offseason.

I didn't -- I feel like I didn't do anything extra in the offseason. I wasn't trying to be like more, do more, and be more. I was a lot more confident and that came in the rounds last year.

Q. You talked about seeing some people that you started with getting their wins. How difficult is it to stay true to yourself when you know it's coming, just hasn't happened for you yet?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, thankfully I have the best team around me. My parents and my friends and coaches have always told me everyone's story is different and everyone has their own timing. Just staying true to myself and knowing it will come, just not pressuring myself, everyone is different, everyone's life will be different.

Yeah, just staying patient.

Q. How are you going to celebrate this big, exciting moment?

YEALIMI NOH: I'm going to try to catch a flight to Dallas tonight and go straight to San Francisco tomorrow and celebrate with my friends and family there.

Q. You had your family out there with you today. Was that meaningful for you?

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, yeah. My parents are -- I mean, they're amazing. They've been with me like every single day, not only on the golf course but my whole life. They've sacrificed so much for me. It's amazing to have them both here.

They have done so much for me.

Q. Congratulations on your victory. Can you talk about the greens today, what it was like to perform in Bradenton? And also Nelly is from this area. What was it like to compete against her and the entire field?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, Bradenton was amazing this year as well as the last year. It was so nice to be back here. The course was absolutely in perfect condition. Fairways, greens were super, super firm and just everything was great. And the weather was amazing this week.

Yeah, Nelly being from here and just obviously being in the field does a lot for my confidence. She's the best player in the world, and just being able to get one up on this week is really meaningful to me.

Hopefully continues.

Q. To win today in Bradenton, how does this set you up for a victorious and great season so far?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I mean, I can't believe -- I couldn't have imagined a better start to the year. Really looking forward to the rest of the season and where I'll go.

Q. Congratulations.

YEALIMI NOH: Thank you.

Q. Congratulations. Was your first kind of a mini champagne celebration on the green. Looked like you got a little in your eye.

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, that was awesome. I'm so thankful for everyone who stayed. I did that last time. I've done the champagne for other players and actually got it in my eye that time, too.

To get it on me was awesome. Something I'll never forget.

Q. You've said before that 2025 was going to be your year. What exactly was it that made you feel like that, and obviously winning so early?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I think just my season last year, just having a lot of better results and getting my confidence back and contending a few time last season really helped me carry that out through the winter and just really prepare for this week.

Just felt really ready this was going to be my year and week.

Q. How do you plan to celebrate with your parents? Obviously that has you pretty emotional for how much they(audio cut out), but will you buy them anything with your winnings?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I don't know. I haven't thought about that yet. Whatever they want. (Smiling.)

THE MODERATOR: All right, thanks so much, Yealimi.

YEALIMI NOH: Thank you.

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