Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome everyone. We're here with world No. 1 Jin Young Ko. Jin Young, world No. 1 and defending champion of the CP Women's Open. It's been over 1000 days since been here. Defending champion from a while ago. How does that change the mentality going into this week as you prepare to defend a tournament that hasn't been played in a couple years?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I'm always happy to be back here, Canada. I love Canada. 2019, after the 2019 I was ready to play, defend in 2020, but we had like worst in the world so we couldn't play in Canada or wherever.

So it's been almost three years actually to be back here, so, yeah, I feel good.

THE MODERATOR: You feel good?


THE MODERATOR: You're also defending your title as world No. 1. The race gets closer it seems like every week. Do you keep that in your mind? Do you focus like I really want to stay No. 1? Is that just a perk from playing?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, if I'm playing really well I can keep the world ranking No. 1 or whatever, but I don't want to think too much and I don't want to get too much pressure on me by myself.

So, yeah, we have a lot of good players on this tour, so I don't want to think world ranking No. 1 is.

You he yeah. So everybody can be world ranking No. 1. I don't want to think.

THE MODERATOR: So you had a practice round today. How did you find the course and was it different from what you remember? I know it's been a while.

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I didn't play 2017 this golf course. It's first time play this golf course. I like the name. Like Hunt, Hunt Golf Club. So I practice yesterday and today. Back nine yesterday and then front nine today -- front nine yesterday and back nine today.

And course condition is so good. Fairways are amazing and like feels like new course. Greens are fast and really tight. Some you have some small greens and the rough is long and bunker is a lot, greenside.

So we need to great irons or great chipping and putter this week.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in the room?

Q. Your last tournament was the AIG Women's Open and you missed the cut for only the second time in your career on the LPGA Tour. How did that feel?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, was sad, but after the AIG I going back to Korea, so I needed to more time for break. I practiced a lot before the Europe Swing so I thought I don't have energy for playing golf. Was sad, but my game wasn't good. That's why I missed the cut.

So I practiced a little bit after the Europe, and hopefully this week better than two weeks ago.

Q. You're No. 1 in the world but your driving distance is only 115th on the tour, which isn't spectacular. Does that concern you? I mean, I don't know why it would, but do you try to make up by being accurate with your irons, putting, that sort of stuff?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, yeah, driver distance is important, but I think more important thing is par save and greens regulation and putting average.

Well, like I need translation.

(Through translation.)

So I'm aware that it's very important to increase the driving distance; however, what I felt is that as I tried to increase, like longer the driving distance, it kind of lowered down the accuracy of like the shots.

So I will try not to be too concerned too much about increasing the driving distance. I would like to focus on my current swings and my putting and I'm glad that I've ranked No. 1 for so long.

I'm already quite happy with what I'm doing.

Q. On Sunday in 2019 you were grouped with Brooke Henderson in the final round. What do you remember about that day?

JIN YOUNG KO: At the last hole we were walking together to 18 green, and we like put arms around each other's shoulders. So after the tournament we getting good friends, so it was fun to play with Brooke always, as always, and, yeah, I remember only thing is...

Q. Friendship?


Q. The other thing you talked about the last time you were here is the ice cappuccinos from Tim Horton's. Have had you had an iced cap yet?

JIN YOUNG KO: I practiced a lot yesterday, and then when I practice with Gareth I said to him, I really need ice cap right now because was hot in the bunker.

So after the practice I went Tim Horton like two minutes from here, so I got ice cap.

Q. I would like to ask you, I notice everybody is plugged in when they're practicing. What do you listen to? KPop? Something from home? Modern?

JIN YOUNG KO: Just tempo.

Q. Something with a tempo?


Q. And that helps you concentrate?


THE MODERATOR: All right, well I have one to leave you with. You said earlier that you love coming to Canada. What is it specifically that you love about this country and the tournament, CP Women's Open in general, besides the iced cap, I guess?

JIN YOUNG KO: I have great memory in Canada because my friend lives in Vancouver. So after the 2019 I visit to my friend's home so we had like fun time whole week.

So I like, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Is your friend going to come out? Are you going to see her again?

JIN YOUNG KO: No, she lives in Korea now. It's sad.

THE MODERATOR: I'm sure she's rooting for you from afar.


THE MODERATOR: I guess that's all from us today. Thank you so much.

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