Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lucy Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. How are you feeling? You made history. What do you think of all the attention you've gotten so far?

LUCY LIN: Pretty excited, pretty hyped. Really no words to describe it. Feeling is pretty awesome.

Q. What did you think when you saw us all standing here and wanted to ask you some questions about how well you're playing golf?

LUCY LIN: Pretty excited. Pretty like -- I'm like wow, that's a lot of cameras. A little bit nervous, though.

Q. You don't have to be nervous. How do you feel you've been playing?

LUCY LIN: Pretty good. Game is pretty okay. Decent.

Q. Yeah. How do you manage the nervousness? Because there is a lot of attention. You'll have more in the next few days. You're really young. Did you get some trick maybe from the other golfers here?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, I'm a bit nervous, but I try to stay patient and stay calm I guess.

Q. Did you realize what you did yesterday when you qualified? Did you realize you were the first at this age to be able to qualify?

LUCY LIN: No, I didn't know until I finished the round and somebody told me.

Q. How do you want to play? How do you prepare for this big tournament that will be of course the biggest of your career?

LUCY LIN: Honestly, I'm just going to try to play my game and do the best I can do. Yeah, just go out there.

Q. How old were you when you started playing golf?

LUCY LIN: Nine and a half.

Q. So not very many years.

LUCY LIN: Yeah, I just started.

Q. And what do you love most about the game?

LUCY LIN: Honestly, hitting every shot and how I can improve every day.

Q. What is the feeling of being next to Lorie Kane, Brooke Henderson, all those big name in the women's golf right now for you?

LUCY LIN: Pretty excited. When I first got here I'm like, wow, these are the people that I see on TV. Yeah, pretty excited.

Q. You'll have quite the story about what you did on your summer vacation from school, right?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, definitely.

Q. Can I ask what grade you're going into?

LUCY LIN: Grade seven.

Q. Was it a plan of yours to be here today? Was it a dream? What was it at the beginning of the summer? You didn't expect to be here I guess.

LUCY LIN: Definitely not, but it was always a dream. It's a dream come true, definitely being here like at very young age.

But super excited. Going into Monday I wasn't really knowing I would be here, but I did my best I could. But I ended up here, so I'm really excited about it.

Q. Maude-Aimee Leblanc told me this afternoon that you need have to a good surrounding to control or maybe -- yeah, control this pressure. What's your surrounding, your mother, parents? Who is with you?

LUCY LIN: My mom is with me. She's actually caddieing for me this week, so that's really exciting.

Q. What's her name?

LUCY LIN: Amanda.

Q. Do you speak French by any chance?


Q. I was just checking.


Q. What are you most looking forward to?

LUCY LIN: Just enjoying the experience and meeting all these great players and hopefully getting autographs.

Q. What were your expectations for yourself?

LUCY LIN: Just try to play my own game and hopefully I can make the cut.

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