Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Yealimi Noh

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Yealimi, solid 4-under round. Got to say, a little bit of a rough start there.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, yeah.

Q. Two bogeys, first three holes I think.


Q. Quickly turned it around. What was the story of your round today?

YEALIMI NOH: I hit it great today. Hit a lot greens of those bogeys were the only greens that I missed. I putted really well for me. I've been really struggling with my putting this year. I think this is like one of the first rounds in a couple months that I've shot under par.

It feels really good and I feel like I can breathe now. Like it's been a struggle, but it was a great day and it's a beautiful day today.

Q. Have you been working on your putting then?

YEALIMI NOH: Yes, a lot on my putting and a lot on just like my mental state of mind.

Q. Do you work with a mental coach?

YEALIMI NOH: I do. Yes, I do.

Yeah, so just working on my putting, there is never enough. Like you have to keep going. Been hitting it pretty good the last few weeks, so to drop some putts today was really nice.

Q. You have good memories here in Canada, winning the Canadian Women's Am.


Q. What's it like to come back here and play in front of the fans?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, it's so nice. Canadian fans are the best and Canada is so great. This course is beautiful. The grass is amazing.

It's been two years. It's so crazy. It's been two years since I last played, too. So really nice to be back.

Q. You mentioned the course. I'm not sure if you're aware, it was hit badly by a tornado about two months ago. Curious from your perspective as a player, how is it looking?

YEALIMI NOH: It looks incredible. I mean, I would've never thought there was a tornado. The grass is like perfect. There has been a lot of rain the last few days but it's not wet at all it's very nice. They did a great job.

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124040-1-1041 2022-08-25 16:39:00 GMT

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