Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

A Lim Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm here with A Lim Kim coming off first round. Tell me what was the key to your success out there today. You're clubhouse leader at the moment. How were you finding the course? What was easy and hard?

A LIM KIM: Today my shot is too good. First the green was a bit fast, but I got adjusted to it, so I will try to do better tomorrow.

Q. What was easy? What was going well?

A LIM KIM: Overall, my shots were pretty good today, so I was satisfied with that.

Q. Was it easy to score today or it was hard with the conditions?

A LIM KIM: I think not easy, because green speed very faster and then rough very thick.

But I think not easy today.

Q. I want to know how you found the course conditions. I know you said fast greens. Anything else to know about?

A LIM KIM: Some hole wide fairway; some hole narrow.

Some hole I'm little uncomfortable, but today (indiscernible) my shot condition.

Overall, my shots were pretty good today so despite the conditions, like the fast greens and tough rough, I was able to do good because of my good shot condition.

Q. Last question: You won a Guinness World Record on Tuesday. World record holder, right?

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. Did that help your confidence at all going into today?

A LIM KIM: Yes, I do. Very excited experience. Really fun. Yeah, two days ago memories.

Q. Good memories.

A LIM KIM: Good memories.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124043-1-1041 2022-08-25 17:13:00 GMT

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