Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Jessica Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, 4-under. Just one stroke off the lead. Birdie, birdie is a good way to close. How do you feel you played today?

JESSICA KORDA: Yeah, pretty consistent. Gave myself a bunch of opportunities; didn't make too many putts, especially at the beginning.

Making a putt on 17 was definitely really, really nice.

Q. Tell us about the putt on 17.

JESSICA KORDA: Yeah, obviously can't wait for the weekend over there. It's going to be a really cool setup.

But tough pin for the first day. We were pretty surprised actually. It's usually like a Sunday-ish pin maybe.

Slightly intimidating, but I was pretty happy to hit a good shot and have a nice opportunity to make birdie.

Q. How long was the birdie there?

JESSICA KORDA: It was probably like 18 feet.

Q. Oh, wow.

JESSICA KORDA: 15 feet, 18 feet, something like that.

Q. Was there think banging on the boards after that?

JESSICA KORDA: I didn't hear -- I think Brooke is teeing off, so... (laughter.)

Q. We know where the fans are.


Q. How are you feeling? You had the good week in Spain last week. Any jet lag? How are you feeling?

JESSICA KORDA: No, I feel okay. Just managing my body one week at a time.

Q. What's what you do, right?


Q. Overall how was the course out there? Looked like pretty prime scoring conditions.

JESSICA KORDA: Yeah, it's in phenomenal shape. And what a beautiful piece of property as well. Real pleasure to be able to play out here, and it's in fantastic shape so I just love playing golf courses like this.

Q. And that's great to hear, because literally just two months ago a tornado came through here.

JESSICA KORDA: That's crazy. We were talking about that yesterday in the pro-am with my group. They said like 1000 trees went down. When you do look closely you can see some of the damage, but you couldn't tell by the golf course at all.

Q. Awesome. What's the game plan for the afternoon and tomorrow, which is probably going to be pretty wet?

JESSICA KORDA: Definitely treatment and chill.

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124047-1-1041 2022-08-25 17:29:00 GMT

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