Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Emma Talley

Quick Quotes

Q. So what happened between 10:00 and 11:00?

EMMA TALLEY: I know, it was a crazy day. My front nine was really boring. I didn't actually hit the ball that great, but I turned it around. On No. 12 I looked at my caddie and I was like, I know exactly what I'm doing wrong. I'm just going to start hitting it better.

That's all I said, and then made a birdie and then next hole made a hole in one and almost made a birdie on the next. It was like a completely different golf for the last seven holes than the first half of the day.

It was definitely a crazy day, but turned it around and kept it going.

Q. Let's talk about the hole in one. Can you just walk me through it, the emotions and what did you hit?

EMMA TALLEY: It was so cool. I'm getting chills as we speak, because Elizabeth hit first, and I'm pretty sure hers lipped out, and then I hit mine in the hole, and the next girl hit it decent, like she was like 20 feet, and the other two girls made their putt and I made a hole in one.

I hot an easy 6 iron. I forgot the number already, but hit an easy 6-iron and it was a perfect shot. It was so cool.

Q. I know. That's amazing. Did you realize from the tee box that it went in?

EMMA TALLEY: Yeah, yeah, it was so cool. Of course the Canadians are so nice here, and as soon as I made the hole in one they just erupted. It was so cool. I haven't had a hole in one on the LPGA yet, so that was may first win.

Q. Speaking of that, we donate to St. Jude's. Does that make it more gratifying?

EMMA TALLEY: Yes, of course. One of my best friends just passed away from cancer two years ago. Just a couple weeks ago was the anniversary of that, so that means so much. Giving back is what it's all about and making a difference, so so cool.

Q. Clubhouse leader.


Q. How do you take this round and go into tomorrow? I know you learned to stay patient. What other strategies are you working on?

EMMA TALLEY: Yeah, I have a new caddie this week and she is unbelievable. This is her 31st year. She might kill me for saying that, but it's her 31st year on tour. She's amazing. Our personalities mix so well, and I honestly just had so much fun today. I think that's why I was able to turn it around, was because of her. She was so great out there.

I've been working hard on my game but that's not what -- that's not the whole picture. Having someone by your side that you trust and can give you good vibes is huge. She really did that for me today.

Q. What's her name?


Q. Last name?

EMMA TALLEY: How do you say her last name?

Q. Gerdes, G-E-R-D-E-S.

EMMA TALLEY: I'm like, I know how to spell it.

Q. How did that relationship develop?

EMMA TALLEY: Her and her player split after British. I was looking and actually ran into her old boss as we were flying back to America. She was like, I think you guys would be a perfect match, and we actually ran into each other and it just worked out.

I honestly feel so blessed to have her. When I texted her I said, I just want to put my name in the hat because I knew she's a great caddie and would have a lot of offers. I'm so thankful she picked me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124052-1-1041 2022-08-25 18:14:00 GMT

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