Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Ariya Jutanugarn

Quick Quotes

Q. First off, walk me through the eagle there on 18 or your last hole, 9.

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: So it's par-5, so they move the tee up so I hit 3-wood and have 3-iron in. Pretty long putt, like 50 feet. Pretty lucky; I made the putt.

So, yeah.

Q. That one, the green goes like up and down, right?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, it's not that bad because it's a bit up but it's not like only one, yeah.

Q. How long did you spend trying to read that putt?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Actually not much at all because like I feel I'm struggle putting a bit today, so I'm not really like get so serious because I'm so tight right now because I miss a lot of short putts.

So I'm like not really -- I mean, I pay attention, but not really get like, oh, I want to make this. Just making sure I have a good speed.

Q. What were the hard parts on the course today and the easy parts for you?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say this course the challenge part is the green, because the green is really small. You also not have short iron to the green. You also have like long iron to the green, so that make it even more harder.

When you miss the green the rough is not easy, so here you kind of have to pay attention on your second shot to the green.

Q. And finally, how do you sort of try and set yourself apart tomorrow? What's the strategy?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say still have so much thinking to improve because like my putting and my tee shot -- my iron is pretty good today, but I still want to work on my putting.

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