Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Elizabeth Szokol

Quick Quotes

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: It was a lot of fun.

Q. Did you feel pressure to keep up?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: We kind of both were like feeding off each other it felt like. She made a putt for birdie on 12 and then I made the birdie putt after, and then the next hole I think my ball may have lipped out off the tee and she made it for a hole in one. From then on it was just so much fun. We had a great day together.

Q. Did you find that back nine was a lot easier than the front nine? You guys seemed to get all the birdies in the back.

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: Yeah, I actually only played the back nine once on Monday, and I kind of said it was just kind of right in front of and you a bit straightforward.

Seemed that way. Just keep it in the fairway and you would have some good opportunities. So, yeah, it was pretty straightforward and lots of birdies out there.

Q. The last time I saw you was at Dow.


Q. You guys had a pretty good round with your partner, Cheyenne.


Q. How happy are you with your game right now, and how are you working to keep the momentum going?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: Yeah, I actually had the last five weeks off since Dow, so kind of had some time at home to just think about my game and practice, which was nice, to kind of have some time away and figure that out.

So I felt good coming back, playing. It was kind of a little strange having five weeks off in the middle of the season, but felt good and rested and happy to be playing well.

Q. Working on anything new? Still keeping to the same strategy? If so, what is the new strategy?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: Yeah, working on some new stuff. Kind of trying to make some progress on my driver and keep it in the fairway a bit more and be more consistent and just get more birdie opportunities from that.

Q. How gratifying is it knowing you're working on some new stuff to see results like this on -- I know it's just day one, but still?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: Yeah, it's the best. We always work hard and sometime you don't really see those results, so it's great to have that good feedback today.

Looking forward to the next three days.

Q. What's the strategy over the next three days? What do you got to do tomorrow to set yourself apart?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: I'm just going to do the same thing. I feel like I stayed really patient. I didn't make a birdie until my 9th hole and that was a two-putt birdie, so I stayed really patient and the putts ended up falling on the back nine.

So just the same things. Go play golf. I felt pretty relaxed out there, so kind of same thing.

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124054-1-1041 2022-08-25 18:28:00 GMT

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