Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Mo Martin

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, 5-under round for you today. Solid day. How do you feel you played today?

MO MARTIN: Solid is a good way to summarize it, yeah. I had to count the number of birdies because I lost track, so just in scoring tent I counted 7 circles, 23 putts, so any time you have that mixture it's pretty good.

So very solid. You know, fairway, greens, made some nice putts. Made some good putts actually for bogey and par, too, so it was a little bit of everything.

Q. Uh-huh. How long were some of the putts that you were making out there?

MO MARTIN: Some were pretty close. I mean, I think I had a good three three-footers, four-footers on the par-3s. I kind of stuck all of them. My trusty little 9-wood. Just coming down like a marshmallow today. It's playing softer than it was in 2017.

So scorable if you're hitting it well, but the rough is thick and it's a good challenge. They moved some of the tee boxes back so it's playing longer. I think the combination of the wetness in the fairway and the length was just -- it was playing longer but still soft greens, so scorable when you're hitting it correctly.

Q. Do you remember what it was like in '17? Can you compare it? Is it just too different?

MO MARTIN: You know, I don't remember where my keys are or usually my cell phone on a daily basis, but if I play a tournament round I remember every shot, every hole. I remember vividly. Had a quick practice round because I have such good memory of this golf course.

Like I said, it's playing a little bit different because some of the par-4s have been moved back. Actually, 13 was moved back also, tee box. So definitely, no, the memory is serving me well.

Q. Overall, what was the big takeaway from your round today? It was a really good round for you. What positives do you take to tomorrow?

MO MARTIN: There are a ton of positives. I mean, I have good memories here. The Canadians are always welcoming and everybody is second to Brooke, but that's okay. We'll take it. Second in Canada is still really nice.

Q. What were the crowds like today? I was telling Gord, I can't remember the last time we've seen crowds this big. This is great.

MO MARTIN: Even the pro-am. Great crowds during the pro-am, too. So it's nice to have this amount of support and the welcoming feeling.

And so I'm playing well, good vibes, great golf course. Three more good days.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124055-1-1041 2022-08-25 18:36:00 GMT

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