Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lauren Zaretsky

Quick Quotes

Q. So Lauren, obviously hole in one is sort of the big news of the day.

LAUREN ZARETSKY: Yeah, it was awesome. It was 161 yards. I teed off second and I just took a 7-iron and just stayed committed to it and it was really front pin, few paces off the front edge, and just two feet from the hole where the marker was and went in.

My reaction was pretty calm. I'm surprised. I haven't had a hole in one since 2016 and actually made a joke before this tournament that maybe I'll have a hole in one on live TV.

It was pretty awesome. My family is out here, my parents, my coach is on the bag for me, another old coach of mine came to watch. So it was pretty awesome to do it in front of them.

Q. As soon as you connected with the ball did you know that it was going in?

LAUREN ZARETSKY: No clue. My coach was like, that's -- like it's dead online. Like we got a chance.

And at first I didn't have a reaction. Didn't know if it went in or not. It just got lost and everyone started screaming, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm like just like really calm, yeah, high fives, went in, and moved on to the next.

Stayed calm because I still had a few more holes to go. Yeah, awesome.

Q. How do you regroup after that?

LAUREN ZARETSKY: I think my main goal and my coach's goal is just me staying calm, staying grounded, not like crazy reaction. Hole in one, took a quick picture, and moved on to the par-5, which was next.

Just take a few deep breaths and just keep my head in the game, because I still had a few more holes. Just do my best.

Q. How much did that help you make up for the double on I think it was 12.

LAUREN ZARETSKY: Yeah, so it was a little bit upsetting. My driver was a little off today. I had a few loose screws in the round, but I just stayed calm. My coach just told me, just stay grounded. Just keep your emotions leveled up and just keep grinding it out there.

Same with saving pars out there. Just, yeah.

Q. How did you get in trouble on 12?

LAUREN ZARETSKY: I think I -- try to go back because I kind of forget usually.

I believe I got stuck in the trees on the left side and I couldn't get it out. I had to punch up, but I was still kind of on the left side, so took me a few tries to get back in play.

I think I my wedge shot wasn't really tight. Kind of missed the putt, so that was a double. I try to forget my holes actually. Just to stay more present and not in the past.

So, yeah.

Q. As of right now, you're in the top 10 of an LPGA tournament. How does that feel?

LAUREN ZARETSKY: Awesome. You know, I've worked super hard for this. The way I got into this event is when I won the '2021 Canadian Women's Am Champ, so I got into this. I feel like I'm made for this.

I'm super focused. I worked my tail off to get here, so I think I'm really motivated to stay in the game and work hard. Just going as a freshman to Texas Tech on Monday, so I'm hoping to make all four rounds and get back into school.

Yeah, this is my dream to play on tour. Started golf in 2016 only, so, yeah, just keep going.

Q. You got the invite to come on Monday?

LAUREN ZARETSKY: Pardon? No, Monday I'm going to school. I'm going as a freshman to Texas Tech. Freshman, first year.

So, yeah, school started today. First day of school is today so I'm missing that, but everyone is proud that I'm here and keep grinding and do as best I can and just soak in all the big moments.

Q. I'm sure your varsity coach is okay with you playing here.

LAUREN ZARETSKY: Yeah, she is, she is. Yeah, they're pretty ecstatic. They actually had media day yesterday, so I kind of got some pictures of that.

But I'm sure I'm not missing much.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124058-1-1041 2022-08-25 19:09:00 GMT

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