Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lucy Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. Lucy, how would you describe your round today?

LUCY LIN: It was pretty good. I had fun. I tried my best out there, but my putting wasn't really good. I missed a couple, but tried my best out there.

Q. What was it like to play with all the people?

LUCY LIN: It was very nice, enjoyable. It was great to see how they played.

Q. How about your playing partners, Maude-Aimee, for example, a fellow Canadian? Were they friendly towards you?

LUCY LIN: They were very friendly, very helpful, very nice.

Q. Were you nervous on the first tee today?

LUCY LIN: I was a little nervous, but I tried to stay calm.

Q. Were a lot of people cheering you on? Did you hear the calls from the gallery?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, I heard a lot of claps.

Q. Were they calling your name out at all?

LUCY LIN: Yes, there were a few holes they were calling my name.

Q. How does that feel?

LUCY LIN: It was pretty nice. Very cool experience.

Q. What did you do last night to prepare and maybe calm the nerves?

LUCY LIN: Honestly, just tried to get some rest and get some practice. Didn't do very much practice, but got some rest.

Q. Anybody call you with words of wisdom or did you reach out to anybody?

LUCY LIN: No, not really.

Q. Who is the coolest person you met here this week?

LUCY LIN: There is a couple. Like Brooke Henderson, Jin Young Ko, Sei Young Kim. There is a lot. Nelly Korda.

Q. What have they said to you?

LUCY LIN: Nothing really.

Q. Good luck or...

LUCY LIN: Jin Young Ko did say good luck.

Q. What did Brooke say to you?

LUCY LIN: Hi. Said hi.

Q. (Regarding playing in front of big crowds.)

LUCY LIN: I wasn't very affected. I just tried to play my game and try my best out there.

Q. What do you think it's going to be like when you go back and have to play with nobody watching you? A little bit different?

LUCY LIN: Yeah, definitely a little different, but it's very cool experience to be able to play here.

Q. How would you describe this round compared to the other ones in your short career?

LUCY LIN: It was very different with all crowds and cameras, but I just tried my best. My putting wasn't very good, but overall it was pretty nice.

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