Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lorie Kane

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel about your day, not necessarily your round, but your day?

LORIE KANE: The day was just as I thought it was going to be: Difficult to get off the first tee.

And then I kind of thought -- I actually said to Brooke Henderson in the locker room, I don't know that I could do this. I don't like playing bad golf. I said that yesterday.

You know, I'm still searching to hit the middle of the club face. I will take my wedge game and putting against anybody. The walk was great. Was really fun to play with Sarah Jane and Alena, and to see -- you know, Alena Sharp is a very solid player. I think she's coming into her own.

I've been a friend of Sarah Jane since the beginning, and both of them, with a little bit of luck, could win.

To walk the last couple of days with them, I would've liked play better, like I said, but I'm not feeling it and I'm searching, and there is nothing worse. I think anybody on this side of this mic that doesn't do this for a living struggles just like I did today.

Q. Going to get some help on the range, maybe with Casey?

LORIE KANE: Yes, yeah. So Casey and I have been friends a long time, and Casey and Danny and I have spent a lot of time together.

Casey knows my golf swing and I just asked her to give me something. What I'm not using is the ground. Either my arms are fast or my legs are chasing or, you know, wasn't shooting (indiscernible).

I needed to do that tomorrow.

Q. Were you able to drink in the atmosphere and were you able to listen to the people calling out?

LORIE KANE: Yeah, 100%. That's the -- that's probably the part where I was struggling with, trying to find a way to do it, Bob. Like can I walk out and take -- I love to give. It's hard to take sometimes.

The reception for 18 holes was amazing.

Q. Was there anything that stood out, anything in particular that you heard from people that they called out?

LORIE KANE: Just thanking me. You know, that's -- I said, you're welcome, but I don't know what you're thanking me for. I'm wearing a ribbon on the side of my head to a woman that I owe a ton to in Jocelyne. We don't remember her enough. You know, I can't believe she's gone, and, you know, that I'm turning the page of not going to play this event anymore.

Q. How hard is tomorrow's round going to be?

LORIE KANE: You know, I think tomorrow starting will be easier than today. I didn't sleep well last night. I was amped up. I had a call from Gerard Gallant, or we texted back and forth, and I said, I feel like I could get on the ice and hit somebody early, I might be good. (Laughter.)

He said, well, stand up on the first tee and hit it hard. Your dad is with you. So tomorrow, Bob, I'm sure the backside of it. I was trying hard. Gosh, I was trying hard. Charlotte was doing her best to keep me in it, giving me whatever she could.

I would like it hole a few more putts tomorrow and then walk up 18 and be proud of what I've done.

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