Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

Q. Alena, how good did that feel to play like that?

ALENA SHARP: Felt pretty amazing. Struggled with my putting last year all year, and came out and changed my grip, changed putter, I'm aiming it better, and I made a lot of putts today.

Some of those putts that I would've been scared to putt last year, they just -- I stood up and was very assertive and made a good stroke. Nice to see them go in.

Q. Is this a round you've been waiting for?

ALENA SHARP: I've been playing some good golf, so yeah, I guess. I just came in with no expectations really. Just wanted to kind of get a good feel on that first nine, you know, make good decisions and hit some good shots, and putts went in.

So it was good.

Q. The double kind of throw you off a little bit or were you able to keep your focus?

ALENA SHARP: No. Honestly I didn't hit a good 7-iron into that par-3, and I kind of was almost avoiding where I chipped it to on my second shot. I told Sarah I should've just hit it here in the first place.

It was really just a weak moment of I don't want hit it here, so I blocked it. And then I had a really nasty lie in the rough. Did my best with it. Just released and went down the hill. Made a good chip and missed the putt for bogey.

Yeah, just thought, okay, par-5 is ahead of me. Like don't -- it's not going to ruin my day, one hole.

Q. (Regarding Prince Edward Island/Lorie Kane.)

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, it was -- you know, it was great seeing all the fans out and just she's done a lot for women's golf in Canada, and she deserves all the claps and everybody watching and cheering for her, so it's nice to see.

Q. Hard to see her struggle like this?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, of course. I want to see all the Canadians do well. I give her props for hanging in there and grinding each shot out.

Q. What's it going to mean to you tomorrow to obviously be trying to focus on yourself, but knowing what's going on with Lorie just to balance the two?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I mean, I guess I'll just obviously focus on my game, make sure I get out of the way on 18 so Lorie can have her walk up. Maybe should sneak a Leafs Jersey in the bag, too, for the 17th. We'll see.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124067-1-1041 2022-08-25 21:57:00 GMT

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