Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lucy Li

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lucy Li. It's your first LPGA start since you secured your card through the Epson Tour. How gratifying is it to come out here and be like, I belong out here? One or two shots off the lead at the moment.

LUCY LI: Yeah, for sure. I kind of figured after I won in New York that I would be good with my card, so I kind of wanted to step out of my comfort zone and compete more out here because getting ready for next year.

But, yeah, definitely feels good. I tried not to have too many expectations coming into this week and just play my game the same that I've been doing on the Epson Tour.

Yeah, it's great to have a good start.

Q. Does it feel different out here than on the Epson Tour at all?

LUCY LI: I think it's how you perceive it a little bit, but obviously this tournament, especially the Canadian Open, is a very big tournament for the LPGA. There is a lot of fans, which we don't get out on the Epson Tour at all. (Laughter.)

So, you know, it's definitely different. We get treated very well out here and the food is great, which is the No. 1 thing I've been excited about. Yeah, super excited to be out here.

Q. Sponsor's invite this week. What's your relationship with CP and how do you feel about this tournament?

LUCY LI: Yeah, you know, this was a tournament I was definitely looking at trying to be able to play in. Even if I hadn't got an exemption, maybe go Monday for it.

They always do such an amazing job here, and I'm so the grateful they gave meet opportunity to compete. Just seeing the atmosphere and kind of how well they've put the tournament together is really great to see.

I think it's a great indicator of not just Canadians, but how women's golf is going in the right direction.

Q. Yeah. Tell me, what were the easy parts and what were the hard parts about the course here today.

LUCY LI: I think the course is a little soft, so the scores -- it's pretty gettable, hitting the greens. I think it's just really important to be patient. Sometimes if the putts aren't falling and you're not getting those birdies, I think it's really important to just stay patient and play your game.

Q. Seems like the back nine is playing a little easier for some players today. Did you feel that way as well?

LUCY LI: Yeah, maybe a little. I think it might have been some of the pin positions. I think on the front nine there was a couple more tucked ones.

So, no, I think it's just important to play each hole at a time kind of thing. But, you know, I kind of went -- pretty good stretch there with no birdies.

Coming in, 9 they moved up so it was pretty gettable, so that was nice.

Q. You said you came in with low expectations or not too many expectations. After day one, what are your expectations or strategies for tomorrow, for day two?

LUCY LI: I think kind of the thing I learned being out on the Epson is to not try to have those expectations. Even when you're playing well, it's important to stick to your game plan and just keep doing what you've been doing, especially if it's been working for me.

So that's the main thing for me yeah focus on playing and not really the results.

Q. What is the game plan?

LUCY LI: Just to get some good sleep today. Really early tee time tomorrow, 7:20, so that's No. 1, get some good food in, get some good rest.

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124068-1-1041 2022-08-25 22:05:00 GMT

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