Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

BROOKE HENDERSON: Hot start, which was a lot of fun. Definitely disappointed with how I finished the day on a birdie or eagleable par-5, making bogey.

But it's the thing with this course. When you hit it in bad spots you really pay the price. So it's a reminder for the rest of the week to play smart and hit it to the correct areas as much as you can, give yourself some good looks.

I feel like I hit the ball really close today. Sort of didn't -- maybe the putter wasn't as hot on the back nine. I feel like I could have gone really low, so it's a little disappointing.

At the same time, under par, and I feel like things are okay and I'll play better tomorrow.

Q. How about the fan support out there?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Oh, amazing. Yeah, it was unreal. It's so cool to have that much love and support. You know, they're happy even when I bogeyed the last hole. They were still cheering for me. It's just an amazing feeling and I can't wait for hopefully a better day tomorrow, and just can't wait to hear some bigger roars.

Q. (No microphone.)

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, honestly, I hit the ball so well. It's just kind of disappointing that I made two bogeys there on the last couple holes, because I was hitting the ball so close and giving myself so many birdie opportunities.

So the idea going into tomorrow is continue to give as many birdie looks as possible and hopefully roll a few more in.

Q. Greens were soft. Can you be a little bit more aggressive? You seemed to be going after a lot of flags.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, the greens were softer. They started to firm up a little bit on the back nine, a little bit more release. It's nice because you can attack.

Early tomorrow morning I'm sure I'll be able to be aggressive, which I like.

So, yeah, hopefully it leads to more birdies.

Q. Does being six back at this point worry you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Not really. I mean, everybody always gets off to a fast start on Thursday. You can pretty much guarantee on any course that somebody is going to shoot at least 7-under. All evens out normally near the end. I just need to get my 7- or 8-under day hopefully in the next couple.

Q. You seem really relaxed out there, even confident. What do you attribute that to?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I was hitting the ball well, playing pretty well, too. I feel like the score doesn't show as well as I played. I was just trying to? Embrace the fans and just enjoy the moment.

It's so crazy and super cool that I have this much support. I mean, I know I am close to home, but to see this many people out watching is just an amazing opportunity. Just trying to soak it in and play a little bit better.

Q. It's a big week for you, a lot of media that have you to do to, a lot of like hometown stuff. To see you so relaxed, at one point and you Lydia were sharing a laugh on the fairway. How do you get into that headspace and put everything aside?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It is a balance for sure, trying to make sure I'm getting the proper rest and also preparing and enjoying myself as much as I can.

It's a great group playing with Jen and Lydia because you can laugh going down some of the fairways and talk a little bit, which kind of brings you back into a good space. But like I said, I'm just trying to enjoy as much as I can because it's just incredible crowds and atmosphere, and CP has done an amazing job, as they do every year with this event.

I'm proud to be a CP ambassador. I didn't birdie 15 today, but hopefully get a couple more birdies this weekend.

Q. What do you think about seeing your face on those life size faces the kids have? What's that like?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, the first time I saw to a few years ago I was like, whoa, you know, but I've kind of gotten a little bit used to it. There was a lot of kids out here today and they all seemed to be really enjoying themselves. That's all that really matters, right, growing the game and getting the tour in a better spot.

Q. (Regarding course setup.)

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's kind of like a mix. Couple pins a little bit tight, but for the most part they gave us an opportunity to score. Moved a couple tees up, which was nice.

I wasn't really surprised. They like to see us make some birdies. I'm sure it'll be a little bit tougher moving forward though.

Q. Plan for tonight and early tomorrow?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Well, yeah, with the late/early tee times on Thursday, Friday, you don't really have time to do much tonight. I'm not sure I'm going to do a little practice, but just kind of sign a bunch of autographs here and get a good dinner, good rest, and come back bright and early tomorrow.

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