Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Paula Reto

Quick Quotes

Q. What kind of day is it to shoot 9-under par?


Q. It's not something I'm familiar with.

PAULA RETO: I mean, it was a good putting day. A lot of putts went in, and that kind of makes the round easier. Seeing my lines and the speed was pretty good, so made it a lot easier.

I was like, just get on the green. So it was a good putting day for sure.

Q. Did you have a good feeling going in after the practice rounds?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, my practice round on Tuesday and the pro-am on Wednesday, nine holes and I had some good solid shots, so I knew I'm just going to try to do my best this week.

Made one or two-putting changes which kind of helped a little bit, and, yeah, just sort of went out there and had fun today for sure.

It made a difference.

Q. You really tore it up through holes 10 through 18.


Q. What was it that you were seeing?

PAULA RETO: So I played back nine twice for practice, and I just like the tee balls off the -- like the approach shots and the tee shots on that nine, which fits my eye pretty well.

Then I hit a couple close shots, which made it easy. Then when a few putts went in you kind of get comfortable and sort of one shot at a time after that. It does make a difference.

Q. Was there a particular moment where you were like, oh, I'm having a good day?

PAULA RETO: You know, usually when I make two, three birdies I feel like it's going to be a good day whether I either make a few more or not. Usually under par is always good.

But to go low is always fun. And to have no bogeys. I saved two really good par saves, which was nice. So that kind of kept the momentum going for a low round.

Q. Do you remember which holes?

PAULA RETO: Yes. So it was one before the par-3 with the -- 16?

Q. 16.

PAULA RETO: Yeah, and then one on the front, maybe 4 -- no, 3, excuse me. 3, yeah.

Q. Obviously you set a course record as well.


Q. Previously held by Brooke Henderson, which I think you might know is a big deal around here.


Q. How does that feel to be setting a course record?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, no, pretty good actually. I didn't know it was the course record, so kind of finding out after my round takes the pressure off.

So I'm happy about it. You know, I'm hoping to do some more good rounds coming here. Yeah, so...

Q. Are you someone who has to -- after a round like that, do you have to regroup or do you just ride with it?

PAULA RETO: Sort of just ride with it. I'm real actually relaxed in my outside life of golf, and so I feel like just kind of doing the same thing and not think about it too much. Just stay happy and, yeah, kind of distract myself from that probably is the best.

Q. Really took advantage of the four par-5s out here.


Q. What's the strategy on those?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, and especially 9 they moved up, which was nice. We can go in two, and I think 18 I also tried to reach in two, which made it easier.

So the other one just two good wedges. Had some close wedge shots, which makes it easy to kind of layup to my favorite number.

But, yeah, I mean, they do require some good tee shots so you can have the opportunity to make a birdie. So, yeah, definitely.

Q. And 17 out there, you had a birdie.


Q. I know it's a little later in the day, but what do you think of that hole and that environment?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, it's pretty cool, especially with like the hockey. You step in there and it feels a little different, a little cooler.

And you have to hit a good tee shot there too because the pin is all the way tucked left. I kind of committed to my shot, hit it close, and then made it.

I feel like the crowds will be bigger here Saturday, Sunday on that hole, so I'm excited to see.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124075-1-1041 2022-08-25 23:14:00 GMT

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