Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Brooke, what was the difference between yesterday's round and today's round?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I guess I just made a few more putts there in the middle. Obviously disappointed with the finish again, so that was very similar to yesterday.

But I feel like I'm hitting the ball really well, so I'm excited for the weekend. Giving myself a lot of good birdie looks, so if the putter stays hot, hopefully I can make a charge tomorrow like I did in 2017.

Q. Did you find the weather conditions impacted your play today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was really tough this morning. I was soaked of a like five minutes in my warmup, so that was definitely something I had to adjust to. The ball was going nowhere between how soft the fairways were and how cold and rainy and windy it was. Lots of good calculations by Brit.

I was able to birdie the second hole, which was in that, and then we had the delay, which was kind of nice. We got dry off a little bit and regroup before we came back out here.

Q. The second hole birdie, the buzzer beater, the horn went off mid-stroke almost. Is that a first for you? What was that like?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it is cool. I hit it and I was kind of startled because I heard the sound, so it was nice to see it go in and it was kind of cool. My brother in law was calling me Michael Jordan for the buzzer beater, so that was kind of neat.

Q. Do you feel like you put yourself in a good position going into the weekend?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Not the position I wanted to be in, but I'm playing the weekend and I have amazing crowds and amazing fans out here cheering me on, so I feel like if I can make a couple birdies early make I can ride some momentum and make a ton tomorrow.

That's kind of the goal, is just to climb the leaderboard as much as possible. There was a lot of low scores out there and then with the afternoon wave still to go I will be quite a bit behind, but hopefully I can just do the next two days what they did the first two days and then we will see where we are.

Q. Lorie mentioned she was looking for you on the 18th fairway. You were on 16. Did you see her?

BROOKE HENDERSON: No, I didn't see her, but as soon as I heard the roars and the crowds over here I was like, oh, that's Lori's group to Brit. So that's really cool. I am so proud of her and she just had an amazing career, so it's pretty cool for her to finish here at CP Women's Open.

Yeah, I think we should all be congratulating her on an impressive career. I'm excited to see what happens next for her.

Q. Brooke, when you look back on a round you don't often think of a bogey as a highlight, but on 7, to make the clutch bogey putt, how important was that today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, that really kept things going for me. Dumb of me to be in that right bunker; I know better than that. I thought I had the shot with the hybrid; unfortunately hit the lip.

Yeah, to kind of scramble bogey from there was huge. It felt like a birdie or even an eagle to keep the day going.

Start of the day I was kind of close to the cut line, so just trying to get as far from that as possible. It's going to be under par. It just shows that the course is really scorable right now.

Q. What's it mean to you when you hear that there was such an uproar across the country yesterday that they negotiated today with Golf Channel to show your complete round?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Oh, wow. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like I'm happy that today that they showed everything, and I feel like that's just kind of progress in the women's game; just trying to get more television coverage and better media attention.

Here in Canada I feel like I'm so loved and supported and I feel like the fans really have my back, so that's pretty cool.

Q. Brooke, so many generations of Canadian golfers here this weekend. What does that mean to you and say about the state of the game in Canada?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, so cool. So many young kids and really people of all ages, which is awesome.

The crowds on a day that was not good weather, to have that many people out was just awesome. Hopefully I can give them a good show this weekend and really go low.

Q. Can you still win this event?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's going to be tough at this point, but if I get really hot the next two days, you never know what's possible.

But it's going to take some solid scores, so I'm just kind of going to take it one shot at a time and try to make some birdies and kind of get it rolling.

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124091-1-1041 2022-08-26 19:22:00 GMT

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