Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lilia Vu after second round CP Women's Open. At the top of the field right now, near the top. Just tell me how does that feel to be up there after two days with the rain delay and going into tomorrow?

LILIA VU: At first I was kind of like I left some shots out there. I felt like I didn't really play well today.

But then thought about it. We had the rain delay. It was a longer day for us, so I'm not too upset about 2-under.

I know there is a lot more birdies to come this weekend.

Q. Coming off a rain delay, how do you stay focused during a rain delay, or what do you do to stay ready, I guess?

LILIA VU: Well, I was busy drying my hair and my clubs, so that was what I was focusing on. Then I took a ten-minute nap.

Q. Nice. Because you had an early start today.

LILIA VU: Uh-huh.

Q. I know you take things one shot at a time. You always tell me that. But what does that process look like for you when you're walking you up to the tee shot?

LILIA VU: It basically revolves around the pin, and so if the pin is tucked right I want to come in from the left. I'm like, okay, I want to be left center, and then that will give myself a better angle because I hit a draw.

So little stuff like that and placing myself in the right areas.

Q. How do you mentally forget about the last hole so that you can move on? Is that something that's challenging for you or just super easy?

LILIA VU: It's not challenging for me at all. Honestly, I just forget that I made a bogey and just move on, because the number of times we've made a bogey and birdied the next hole is just infinite amount. That's like normal for all of us out here, so I just keep looking forward and trying to birdie the next hole.

Q. Bogey-free round yesterday. Today I think you had a few. Was there anything different about the course today or were you just like your shots weren't placing on those particular holes?

LILIA VU: I think for me it was the rain stopped but the wind picked up, so it was like a switch. The first couple holes it was a little breezy and raining, but I think just the wind by itself really is challenging on the holes that you play into the winds.

So No. 1, 2, and 3, into the wind, those were kind of hard holes to drive for me.

Q. You obviously have been playing well this season. I'm wondering how you sort of carry momentum into each week, especially with like a big abroad trip?

LILIA VU: I think for me, again, I love competing. I love being on the road. I love golf. So I just really look forward to playing tournaments.

So I know when I'm home I'm like working on a lot of stuff, but once I'm back out here I'm really excited to play.

Q. Making another weekend for you, does your mindset ever shift on the weekend? How do you prepare for moving day I think specifically?

LILIA VU: Honestly, I get more excited for the weekend. I don't know. I just feel like there is a bunch of birdies out there and it's out there for me to get.

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