Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Ally Ewing coming off second round at the CP Women's Open. Really successful day for you today. Wondering, I saw you out there during the rain delay, what do you do during your rain delays to stay in the game and just stay focused and ready to come out and play like you did?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I just kind of like mentally put everything to the side and just sit and do whatever I can to keep my mind just really, I wouldn't say distracted, but it's not at all thinking about really grinding for that rain delay.

You know, just kind of mentally just when they say it's time to go, that's when I kind of refocus.

So I kind of just chatted with some people and hung out. It was a really good 17 holes after the poor start right before the rain delay, so happy with it.

Q. Yeah. Tell me, I saw several birdies on your scorecard and on others. Are there a lot of the birdie opportunities out there, and how do you identify those and get after them?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, the course with all the rain is playing really soft so you can be pretty aggressive with the greens just really soft. You can throw some darts, really take advantage of the soft conditions.

You still have to make the putts, but I've been striking it great this year, so just relying on that and getting some putts to fall was a key for me today.

Yeah, like I said, the course is just soft right now so that's why you're seeing a lot of the birdies.

Q. I'm wondering what some of the challenges out there on the course are. I've heard different things from a lot of players. Wondering your thoughts.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think it's a fair driving course. It requires you to hit good drives, but at the same time, the rough is penalizing if you do miss the fairway. Then around the greens there is rough, bunkers, so it really requires precision on those approach shots.

So as it firms up probably through the weekend I think you'll see the conditions play a little bit different. Overall, yeah, it's scorable, but it requires that precision on the drives and the approach shots.

Q. How do you prepare yourself going into moving day?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think mentally for me, even though I have two wins out here, this year has been a little bumpy for me, so it's just -- it's a long way from the end of Sunday, and although I put myself in a great position, it's so easy to kind of get ahead of yourself.

For me, I'm just going to rely on what I've done and try to continue doing that. No day is gonna be exactly the same as the previous. The scorecard might say the same yesterday and today, but no day is the same.

So for me, it's just going to be an enthusiasm task tomorrow with different settle of challenges and obstacles. I'll do my best to mentally and physically take that on.

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124095-1-1041 2022-08-26 19:37:00 GMT

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