Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Paula Reto

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, a little bit of a different round today for you. Let's talk about the back nine first. Par is certainly not a bad score but yesterday you dominated it.


Q. So what was different out there today? Anything?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, so my speed on the greens was a little bit off. I was ramming the putts by, so my lines and speed didn't match, so just didn't make any putts.

So I had a couple close looks but just didn't go in because of that. So yesterday the speed was obviously a lot more matched up.

Q. And yesterday I know you said your putting was really on, right?

PAULA RETO: Exactly. If you want to go low usually those putts have to drop or the speed and line has to match up. Today was just not that day.

Q. How did the delay -- I know we had a lot rain this morning -- you weren't in it luckily.


Q. But still a delay. How does that affect your game or mindset at all?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, it was fine. I actually did a full warmup and was heading too the tee and then they called it like ten minutes before my tee time. I end up going in and kind of relaxing, and then had like a 20-minute warmup before.

I had a second breakfast. It was fine. Kind of just took a minute. It is what it is. Sometimes stuff like that comes with the golf and you have to adjust and kind of move on.

Q. How are you going to adjust going into moving day tomorrow? I know you're still up there.

PAULA RETO: Yeah, I want to touch up on my speed again. I don't know, because of the rain I thought they were going to be a little bit slower, so I was hitting them a little bit harder.

So if I can just dial this my speed this afternoon and a few shots here and there, and then we'll see how the course plays tomorrow.

Q. Do you think this is an event and a tournament and a course where you have to go out there tomorrow and just lose a lot of strokes, score a lot?

PAULA RETO: I feel like, yeah, depending where they put the tees on the par-5s. Always just depends. I feel like a lot of the girls can go low, so I just feel like you just need to keep up with that. If you roll the putter well and make a lot birdies and hit some greens, that's key, too. The rough around the greens are pretty tough. Up and down becomes harder.

If you can hit greens sure yeah, you still need to go low to keep it up there.

Q. I was going to ask about the course. I know there has been some different challenges for each golfer. What are your particular challenges with the course?

PAULA RETO: No, for sure the rough is a lot thicker and then every -- depending on where you are it can play different. You have to analyze how your ball is lying in the rough and go with that. So that makes it more trickier being able to adjust to each different shot.


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