Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Hye-Jin Choi

Quick Quotes

Q: Tell us how you played today?

HYE-JIN CHOI: There was a lot of rain coming down before play so I had a feeling it would be tough today. But I got to go out again from the first hole and the weather was great. My shot condition wasn’t great today, but lot of mid to long range putts were dropping and that helped reduce my score.

Q: You had two eagles today. What happened on those holes?

HYE-JIN CHOI: Both the eagles came from par 5s and the tee boxes were moved up. Both times the shot was hit well and the putting was great, so all parts of the game were working well there to get the two eagles.

Q: How did you pass time during the rain delay?

HYE-JIN CHOI: I didn’t think the delay would be that long, so I was ready to go back out soon, but I had to wait a bit longer than I thought I would. But the weather was great afterward and that really helped me a lot.

Q: What do you think about this golf course?

HYE-JIN CHOI: The roughs in this course are very long and if you miss a fairway, it’s a difficult course to get to the pin. I thought I was able to put up a good score because I protected the fairways well, so hoping to continue that this weekend. Instead of attacking the pin directly, I need to play a bit safe and create birdie opportunities.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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