Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lizette Salas

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, you said it yourself. 64 with a bogey. Finishing just as we're barely able to go. Did you think you were going to be able to get done? Were you speeding up at all?

LIZETTE SALAS: Making the turn we saw the cloud coverage come in and we were like, no chance. Then the sun came out, and it was a group effort trying to make birdies and speed up the process, just rushing through 18 just to tee off before they blew the horn, so it was definitely a team effort.

Really good group today. Felt good. Slept in, which was nice. You know, just getting that momentum into the weekend.

Q. Bunch of birdies out there; just the one bogey. What was working for you today?

LIZETTE SALAS: Team effort. Everything. Just my process, my routine. Warmup was good. You know, yesterday I think I only hit maybe three or for irons into these greens. Again, I'm relying on the accuracy with the hybrids.

I'm in love with my 6-hybrid right now. Hopefully didn't just jinx it. Yeah, it's been good. Rolling the ball great, and, yeah, just minimizing my mistakes off the tee.

Q. That's really all I needed to know. I'll let you go home. I like it when you just talk.

LIZETTE SALAS: Thanks. I need to go eat.

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