Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Friday, August 26, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Nelly Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. You got done.


Q. You got done. Did you think you would?

NELLY KORDA: For a hot minute I did not, just because it was very cloudy. Once the sun kind of peeked through then I had some hope.

Plus we were at two-ball, so we were moving quite fast.

Q. You were right up with everybody. A 64 today. Solid day. Lots of birdies; just one bogey. What was the story of your round?

NELLY KORDA: I was just hitting it really good. I capitalized on pretty much all the par-5s; a lot were moved up, so for a long hitter we have shorter clubs in and we can kind of take advantage of that. Just played some solid golf.

Q. By the afternoon how was the course looking? Looked like it had taken the rain really well.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it took it really well. Greens were pretty receptive. I thought they were going to be lot spinnier were than they were, but a lot of spike marks.

That's kind of the downfall I think of bent and it being soft, is that every little mark you see at the end of the day.

Q. At this point in the tournament, do you look at the leaderboard? I ask that because you're firmly in the mix heading into the weekend.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think you kind of want to know like I guess your position in a sense.

But 36 holes, we're just at the halfway point, so still a lot of golf to be played. Hopefully some good weather going into the weekend. I was just really happy to get finished today and not be out here starting at 10:15 tomorrow.

Q. Feel good about your spot heading into the next couple days? Obviously a couple shots behind, but played well today.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, if I continue playing and sticking to my game plan hopefully I can make a good run for it, but, yeah, I feel pretty good.

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