Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lindy Duncan

Quick Quotes


Q. Here with Lindy Duncan after the second day of the second round of the CP Women's Open. Lindy, I don't know if you know this, but you just tied the course record, which was set by Paula Reto here on Thursday. Now you have a share of that. How does that make you feel learning that information?

LINDY DUNCAN: That's really cool. I've known Paula for a long time, so it's cool that we both kind of have that course record. That's awesome.

Q. Previously who held this course record was Brooke Henderson, so maybe a few Canadians not happy. But tell me, just what was working so well out there? How were you finding all those birdie opportunities?

LINDY DUNCAN: I hit my irons really well so I had a lot of chances, even on the front nine, which we started on yesterday afternoon. It was such a late tee time that you're not really sure how the course is going to play kind of like that late.

But I found it to be somewhat similar to the first day, so kept the similar feel to the first day because I struck it pretty well that day also.

So just kind of took it from there. Then, yeah, just hit a couple really close ones.

Q. How much more difficult is it to sort of split a round in two days?

LINDY DUNCAN: It's really tough because we had less than 12 hours between when we finished playing and then when we tee'd off.

So not much sleep, not as much food as you would like, and then the conditions, you never know. So it was quite cold this morning.

Yeah, just kind of I guess just roll with it. Just deal with what you got.

Q. Yeah, I was going to ask, how do you sort of mentally prepare for that? Anything going through your head that you have to sort of control those challenges?

LINDY DUNCAN: Yeah, I was pretty excited last night because I had played really well. I think I was quite a few under, so I was pretty excited.

You just never know what each day will bring, so I tried to just calm down after that because still a long way to go.

Q. How was the course different, if at all, from last night to early this morning?

LINDY DUNCAN: The greens were really smooth, because yesterday they were getting quite scuffed with a lot spike marks. Everybody was tapping down spike marks, and this morning they were just rolling really pure.

Q. So now how do you prepare to start a round? I know since you're up near the top you'll get more time to rest hopefully. How do you prepare for the next round today?

LINDY DUNCAN: I think maybe just try to take a quick nap, try to eat a little bit, and maybe warmup.

Nothing crazy.

Q. No practice session working on anything?

LINDY DUNCAN: Maybe just a really small warmup, because I did kind of a longer warmup for the last four holes. Hopefully not too much.

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