Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Sum up your day today.

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, golf is so funny. I could have been minus-9 through 11 today, like total score minus-9 so easily I make that putt on 10 and 11.

Instead at that rattles me a little bit and then I go onto have not a memorable back nine, that's for sure. So it was a little bit rough there, but at the same breath, it could have changed so quickly to be so good, and like get right in position to have a top 10 tomorrow.

It's obviously disappointing, but at the same time, I feel like it's just kind of an honor to be able to play in front of so many people, so just trying to make the most of it.

I won't blame them if they don't follow me tomorrow and follow the leaders, but it's been an amazing week so far.

Q. Where would you say you are emotionally? Frustrated?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I don't know. Generally I feel like I'm hitting the ball well. Obviously made a couple mistakes that cost me big on the back nine today. But for the most part, giving myself so many birdie looks and the putter hasn't been there.

Some weeks are just like that.

Like I said, I'm honored to be out here in front of so many people and excited that they want to come watch me play golf. You know, hopefully I can just finish strong tomorrow.

Q. Is it that tricky? Are you finding that or...

BROOKE HENDERSON: They have them rolling really quick and some of the pins today were kind of right on the edges so you kind of had to be careful.

But, yeah, this course has been in immaculate shape. It's amazing how good it's playing right now. I feel like for me, it's just sometimes my putter gets cold and sometimes it gets hot. Right now it's a little bit cold, but hopefully do a little practice here this afternoon and hopefully it warms up for tomorrow.

Q. Talked about the crowd. Can you push too hard trying not to let them down?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, you can't think like that. You're just going out there and trying to shoot a good score. I was minus-2 through nine holes, had two birdie looks on 10 and 11. I was right there to be right in position for a top 10.

So it's just funny how golf can change so quickly. I tried to bounce back as quickly as I could. It took me a little while to get another par there, but just try to get a fast start tomorrow, get those two shots quickly back, maybe even first two holes tomorrow, and then just go from there and try to get as top a finish as I can.

Q. Is it the reads that are tough because they're on the edges, or is it...

BROOKE HENDERSON: Well, it is tricky to read, and being on honorary member here you would think I would be reading them a little bit better. But they do have the pins in some tricky spots, and I feel like once get it rolling you get confident. When you lose a little bit of confidence on the greens it's no good here especially.

So, you know, just trying to gain that back. I feel like if I make one or two putt tomorrow, then we'll be good to go.

Q. Nothing to lose tomorrow. Kind of guns blazing.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, that's right. Fell back pretty far today, so, yeah, nothing to lose. Just keep hitting it the way I'm hitting it honestly, clean up a couple mental mistakes, and could be a good day.

Q. What happened on 13?

BROOKE HENDERSON: 13. I'm not a huge fan of that tee shot to begin with. Just coming of the bogey I was just like not really quite myself, so it is unfortunate to drop two shots there.

And then, again, I was just a little bit rattled for the next couple holes. Tried to just take couple a deep breaths and regroup a little bit. Just took me longer than it does normally for some reason. Sometimes it's just like that.

I was pushing really hard to make a few down the stretch there. Would've been nice to get one on 18. I feel hike that hole owes me, so maybe tomorrow will be a good one.

Q. Compared to the other events you play, how aware are you of the crowd here? You've won majors.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I'm trying to be approachable I guess is the right word, and friendly. I'm just so happy that everybody is out here, and the support I received this week is like none other I've really had.

Maybe when I won in 2018 it was similar. It's just amazing honestly to have this opportunity. To be this well loved is pretty cool. Hopefully I can just have a good day tomorrow.

Q. Is being top Canadian something you shoot for?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Sorry, one more time.

Q. Being top Canadian something to shoot for?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think it'll be very difficult to get that. I think there are a couple up there playing pretty well, which is good. Makes these Canadian fans really happy.

But I'm just going to try to go out, and if I shoot minus-5, minus-6, I would be happy.

Q. Last couple days you've gone down and signed autographs. I'm assuming you'll do that again today. Does that help either take the highs and the lows out of your round?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, a little bit. Most days I've been a little bit frustrated leaving my rounds, and then talking to everybody, it makes me a lot happier.

Especially the little kids and the Brooke's Brigade area over there that they have set up. It's pretty special. Yeah, it kind of brings you down and puts things in perspective. Like everything is really good and you're having a good life, and even though you missed a couple shots out there, doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things.

This week right now it's just kind of a learning experience, and I'll take it into next week where hopefully I'll be in contention again.

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124125-1-1041 2022-08-27 19:53:00 GMT

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