Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

MaDDIE Szeryk

Quick Quotes

Q. Watching you play some yesterday; had a chance to talk to your dad. He was talking about what a difference it made for you to have aunts, uncles, grandparents, that whole thing in the crowd. Can you talk about that and how important that's been?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, it's awesome to have so much family support out here. You just feel the love and they're cheering for you no matter what.

It's really nice because I usually travel by myself and, so it's great that it's close enough that so many family members can come out.

Q. Did you think this was coming here? Did you have any expectations?

MADDIE SZERYK: I felt like I've been really close the last couple months. I just felt like things were really close and just hadn't quite clicked yet. I had a really good practice last week, and so you always go in hoping. And yeah, I felt good about the week.

Q. You were saying after Thursday the minus-4, like you were almost like you were able to relax. How did that kind of set the table for you?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, because then it was, I was in a good spot head into Friday. It wasn't, okay, I need to hang on of I need to play super well. It was like, okay, I'm going to go out and do the same thing I did yesterday.

I just woke up really relaxed and just ready to play. Just going after birdies and not like -- it's just a different mindset when you're close to the cut and couple shots in. You just play golf.

Q. So to finish the way did you on 18, with the crowd around, like what was that moment like?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, that was pretty special. I didn't hit it as well today. Well, I mean, I hit a lot of greens but it was a lot of the 30-, 40-footers, and 17 I hit one to nine feet and just missed it.

So it was great to have another chance there. And just on 18 is always feels so good with the crowd there. Yeah, it's awesome.

Q. What is the level of motivation to want to do well in this championship?

MADDIE SZERYK: Oh, it's huge. You know, it's the Canadian Open. It's a major for us. All the friends and family are here, and just to play well in front of the Canadian crowd is really special.

Q. You mentioned that you felt like you've been close all year.


Q. Obviously this week it's clicking.


Q. What's the difference? Why is it clicking now?

MADDIE SZERYK: I think just being comfortable out here. It's a tough start. It's different than the Epson Tour and collegiate golf. It's just getting a feel for the atmosphere and just all the cameras and people; the greens are harder.

Just getting adjusted to that has been huge.

Q. Could you tell the gallery was getting bigger once Brooke was done with her round?

MADDIE SZERYK: Oh, definitely -- you know, on the weekend it gets bigger as well, but it's great to see so many people out here.

Q. Any thoughts about tomorrow? Expectations? Doing anything different?

MADDIE SZERYK: No, nothing differently. I'm going to go hit a couple balls, just get a good feel for things. But I think same game plan: Just go out and have fun and birdies.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124126-3-1041 2022-08-27 20:53:00 GMT

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