Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Paula Reto

Quick Quotes

Q. Welcome back. Ready to chase down the lead tomorrow?

PAULA RETO: Yes, I am. It was a good day today kind of overall, but I'm excited for tomorrow. I'm going to try to do the same routine.

Q. How much do you have to push in order to do that as opposed to just avoiding mistakes?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, you sort of have to be careful. You try to make as many fairways if you can and then the greens, because obviously, like I said, the rough is pretty thick here.

If I can just manage those well and have the putts drop, be patient with that, I think I'll be okay.

Q. I understand that you started working this week with the Canadian short game coach Gareth Raflewski. Is that accurate?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, we did some putting things.

Q. Can you expand on what it is he maybe helped you with?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, we just did some basically visualization, especially like on putts and being able to just execute those, and that kind of helped a lot.

Q. And it has helped so far this week?

PAULA RETO: Yes, yeah, yeah, and the greens are so pure, so I really enjoy that.

Q. Except for that lipout on 18.

PAULA RETO: Oh, yeah, you know, sometimes you have to play enough breaks (indiscernible) die the putt, and I sort of died a little bit too early, so, yeah.

Q. You obviously had like a really amazing round on the first day. Do you think back to that at all as you're playing out there and say, I've played this hole so well before, I can do it again?

PAULA RETO: Yeah, so obviously like those times when you go low like that, it's just the putts drop and everything you see goes in.

Sometimes trying to think that is good, but I need to stay patient. Not all the putts drop. Yeah.

Q. What was like the key out there today? Was it your putter? I know your putting was amazing the first day.

PAULA RETO: Yeah. So just sort of trying to stay patient. Trying to make it really easy for myself. Hit the fairway, make it fun out there, too. Having fun with my caddie BB as well. That makes it easier, not have to think a lot.

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