Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Lindy Duncan

Quick Quotes

Q. So pretty long day for you. How did you get through such a long day?

LINDY DUNCAN: I just tried to keep eating and drinking. That was pretty much it.

Q. Obviously you tied the course record this morning, and then had to keep playing. How do you carry that momentum?

LINDY DUNCAN: It's tough. I've never done it before, so yeah, I just -- every day is a new day, kind of like every hole is a new hole.

I just knew golf is golf, and you never know what's going to happen. I just tried to stick to my few things that I've been feeling, and, yeah, just kind of adjust as the day goes on.

Q. And how does that feel setting or matching a course record that was just set, what was it, Friday? Thursday?

LINDY DUNCAN: That's crazy. Yeah, that's really crazy. And especially Paula, who I've known for a very long time, since I think high school. So it's cool we did it back to back.

Q. What's your preferred snack on the course? You said you kept eating. What were you eating?

LINDY DUNCAN: Bananas. I've got these new bars I just recently found. They're called Go Macro bars. Peanut butter and chocolate chip. And then I also have like these rolled oats and peanut butter like energy.

Q. Nice.

LINDY DUNCAN: So that's pretty much it. Just kept trying to eat. And almonds.

Q. Okay, cool. How much harder was the course this afternoon from what you experienced yesterday and this morning?

LINDY DUNCAN: Yeah, I think the pins were more difficult. Some of the back left pins -- I wasn't quite hitting my draw today, so it was kind of similar to the first day in that a lot of the pins were on the left side, and so I kind of had some longer birdie putts than I had in round two.

But I still just tried to be happy with just hitting the green.

Q. I hate to bring up the one bad shot, but I'll tell you to make you feel better that a lot of players were struggling on that hole today.


Q. Just walk me through that.

LINDY DUNCAN: Yeah, that was a shot that I really needed to remind myself of a couple of my keys, my swing keys. I backed off my first attempt because I just wasn't quite feeling it. Then usually when do I that I'm able to kind of like reset, and I thought that I did a good job of that.

It's just I didn't do enough of my compensation, and that's kind of the shot that I hit. And I knew it was going to come out. I was just like, dang it, not the hole with the water. Yeah.

Q. What are some of those keys?

LINDY DUNCAN: Yeah, well I have a tendency in my swing -- and this is all pretty recent -- but I swing a little bit too far to the left. That's in an attempt to not hit it left, but actually my club face gets open.

So everything in golf is backwards, so like if I don't want to hit it to the right I kind of feel like I'm swinging to the right, and on that hole with like water everywhere, it's just -- just didn't quite click with me on that shot.

Q. Last question from me: A top 10 finish here would earn you a spot next week. I hope you're an alternate; it would get you some CME points this season.


Q. Does that sort of add any pressure to this? Are you thinking about that stuff?

LINDY DUNCAN: Luckily I haven't thought about it thus far. (Laughter.)

Q. Sorry to bring it up then.

LINDY DUNCAN: No, no, it's fine. It's the reality of what it is. There is no getting around it. Yeah, if I can stick to the stuff that I've been working on, because it's been doing good, then hopefully I'll have a great day tomorrow.

Who knows.

Q. Just so I have it straight, how many holes in total do you play today?

LINDY DUNCAN: 22. Four this morning. I think what got me is I warmed up a little bit too long for the morning, and I should have just made that kind of a quick one.

Yeah, it was a long day. I started feeling it on 10. I was like, dang.

Q. I saw you saw chiro, right?

LINDY DUNCAN: No. No, that wasn't me. Nope. I'm good otherwise. More of a mental thing.

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