Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Steve Reid

James Clements

Lorie Kane

Aurora Amos

Quick Quotes

SALEM WOODROW: We're happy to have you all here for the check unveiling for CHEO Foundation this morning. With us this morning, we have Steve Reid, the acting president and CEO of the CHEO foundation. (Applause.)

Dr. Jane Lougheed, chief of cardiology, CHEO hospital.

Lorie Kane, Aurora Amos, our CP ambassador for the 2022 CP Women's Open.

James Clements, senior vice president, strategic planning and technology for CP.

And Laurence Applebaum, CEO of Golf Canada.

As well as the CHEO bear. (Applause.)

JAMES CLEMENTS: All right, I'm going to hide it for a second, but the thing I have to say is that the Ottawa community and the whole region has really stepped up. An important part of our sponsorship of the CP Women's Open is raising money for CHEO and also for the Smith Falls Hospital, and I'm really excited today to say with all of the enthusiasm we had a target of $2.2 million, and we blew through it.

I'm presenting a check to CHEO for $2.5 million. (Applause.)

What do you think? So thank you very much.

STEVE REID: Yeah, just very quickly on behalf of everybody at CHEO, I had the pleasure of representing not only my colleagues at CHEO, but also of course all the patients and families we serve, like Aurora here.

So it's a really pleasure for me this morning to accept this wonderful gift from CP and to say thank you so very, very much from everybody that that is going to help over the years to come in the cardiology department.

So to all of you at CP and all that have supported the cause this week, we just want to say thank you very, very much on behalf of all of us at CHEO. We have a very small little token of our appreciation that we would like to hand to James, if I could, please.

LORI KANE: I'll take the check. (Laughter.)

JAMES CLEMENTS: Appreciate it very much, Steve. Thank you.

I can't wait to see it.

You're making it complicated.

SPEAKER: Yeah, we're making it hard on you.

SPEAKER: Wow, look at that. It's an image because we're helping to contribute to medical imaging. Thank you very much. (Applause.) All right, we're done.

PATRICK WALDRON: Not quite. We have one more.

LORIE KANE: So Aurora, without you we don't get to know your story, and you have helped share the CP Women's Open story and your story at CHEO, and for that, I'm hoping that you can take -- Brooke and I are hoping that you can take these golf clubs and get some good use. More importantly, I have a little something extra that will help you.

You get your own check. You ready? Here is a $5,000 donation from CP, the CP family to yo, to put to good use. (Applause.)

AURORA AMOS: Oh, this is awesome.

LORIE KANE: Perfect. You're all right. (Laughter.) I'm not sure it goes in the ATM, but... (laughter.)

We can put that on the wall, right?

AURORA AMOS: Oh, my goodness.

LORIE KANE: That's all we've got. (Applause.)

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124154-2-1041 2022-08-28 15:30:00 GMT

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