Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I had a great warmup and hit it really well yesterday, and today I was like, okay, I know it's Sunday. Like just try and go and repeat what you did yesterday.

I got a little quick on a few iron shots at the beginning, but I finally settled in. Drove it well; putter was amazing this week.

So good to finish the way I did on the weekend. And, yeah, it's great momentum going into the rest of the season.

Q. What's the rest of the season look like?

ALENA SHARP: Well, this will help me for sure. I should get in the last four now. I'm not in next week, so I have to qualify.

Then Cincinnati I would have to qualify. The shuffle is after next week, but the field for Cincinnati is already closed on Tuesday of Toledo.

So I would get in the last four, which is much better than when I started this year, having more starts.

So really excited and looking forward to it.

Q. Anything that you changed in the last month or so? At the team event you played well. Played well this week. Anything in your short game that's different or...

ALENA SHARP: Honestly, I've always been a great ball-striker. I've been driving it well. My putting is the difference.

Last year I putted terribly. Changed my grip from six to eight feet and in. I was just petrified over those putts last year, and worked with my coach on it and took time off over the off-season, and Brett and I just figured we're going to change my grip.

So I changed to the pencil grip from eight feet and in, and it's been working so far. Actually changed my putter three weeks ago, and I really love it. I'm setting it up nice. Rolling it nice. Just every day I get more confidence with it.

So that's what you need out here. You need to drive it well and putt well.

Q. It's nice to have a good result at this time of the season. Obviously mentioned that a few minutes ago. Is it extra special to have such a good result at the CP Women's Open?

ALENA SHARP: Of course. Always want to play well in Canada. It's always tough to make the cut here. Yeah, was in good position after day one, so I had less stress.

It was such a great weekend, so definitely a memorable one for me.

Q. Can you talk about the crowds this week compared to other Canadian Opens and other events in other places?

ALENA SHARP: I haven't been out on tour much this year, but this is the biggest crowd I've seen in a long time. Even last year when we were out of COVID. Like it's unbelievable. It's great to see. From Tuesday on there were so many people out here.

Yeah, it's awesome. Canadian fans are the best.

Q. Does this feel a little reminiscent of Calgary when you finished fourth? I know you had a better placing there, but sort of a similar finish.

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, yeah. When I do make the cut at the Canadian Open I usually do pretty well, so it was nice to have a good finish here. That'll definitely get me into Q-Series, the final stage so I don't have to do Q-II, so that's a huge thing, too.

So hopefully keep this momentum going. I don't have to even do that.

Q. (Regarding jersey.)

ALENA SHARP: Well, I didn't put it on yesterday and I figured, Oh, it's Sunday and I tee'd off on No. 1, so I might as well do it. I made a putt with it on, so there you go. (Laughter.)

Q. (Regarding Coyotes jersey. )

ALENA SHARP: No, no Coyotes. Yeah, I don't know if Canadians would like that if I put a Coyotes jersey on.

Q. The Ottawa fans like the Leafs jersey. (Indiscernible)

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I know they -- they didn't, yeah.

Q. Were you debating putting with it on or not?

ALENA SHARP: Well it was a little big, but once I rolled the sleeves up I was fine. Yeah.

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124156-1-1041 2022-08-28 17:50:00 GMT

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