Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Brooke Henderson, the most decorated Canadian golfer of all-time. Brooke, we haven't had the CP Women's Open in two years. What it is like to be back competing in Canada and just 40 miles from your home?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was so amazing. The fans this week were totally incredible. I never dreamed that this many people would continue to follow me all weekend, especially when I was so far down early in the pack.

But they're loyal to me and just meant the world to me to have them out here supporting.

Q. What is it like to have an entire country support you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it's just so unreal. You know, I didn't have my best stuff this week, but they didn't care and they were there with me every single shot.

I'm going to sign a bunch of autographs and take some pictures now because I love them so much and I just can't believe they're out here in full force.

Q. You won this event in the past. Do you feel any extra pressure competing in your nation's Open?

BROOKE HENDERSON: To get that win in 2018 is a career highlight for sure. That was the trophy that I wanted most in my career, so to get it four years ago was pretty cool.

I look forward to future opportunities to win it again. I look forward to watching the end of this championship and see who hoists it this year.

Q. Can you sum up this week and what it's meant to you to play here?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's just -- it was amazing to have this many people out supporting. So much love from everybody. It's just unbelievable really. Today even I tee'd off really early and on the opposite side and was, way down in the pack, but they were still there cheering for me, which really means a lot. They're super loyal.

I mean, it was a really fun week. It was a crazy week. Not my best stuff, but I'm happy to get a few birdies on the back nine. Makes everything feel a little better.

Q. How tiring is the week when I finally reach the...

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it is a tiring week in terms of I'm just trying to do a lot of extra things I don't necessarily do every week. Trying to just spend time with the fans and show them that I really appreciate them being out here.

Yeah, I am pulled in a lot of different directions CP Women's Open week, but I love it. I'm proud to be CP ambassador, and this tournament is just a top-tier event and it's just so fun to be able to be playing out here so close to home.

Q. How much do you hope that they'll come back here eventually?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I'm sure they will. I mean, I think it was record crowds this week. At least they thought it was going to be. So I think it would be a wise decision for them to bring it back here, and I'll look forward to that opportunity.

Q. After this week, just relax?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I mean, maybe tonight, but then I'm heading to Ohio tomorrow to compete this week coming up. And I have a four-week stretch coming up actually, so it's kind of just right back into it.

I have a couple things I need to work on to clean things up, but it was fun to have a solid back nine today to kind of get the confidence back.

You know, I like to see birdies, so it was nice to get those three on the back.

Q. You joked yesterday that you wouldn't be upset if the fans stopped following you and watched the leaders. That didn't happen today. Was it cool to see them follow you right true to the end?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was amazing. I didn't necessarily expect that because I was thinking, you know, they should go and see some really good golf happening.

But it's just amazing that they were out there the whole time, just so many people. They all just -- I just felt the love, you know, all week. It's hard to kind of put that into words, how much that means to me. I'm a Canadian and everyone out here is proud to be Canadian, too, so it was just a great week.

Obviously not the finish I wanted, but in terms of off the course, I don't think it could have gone any better.

Q. I know this is not the result you were hoping for, but in the broader context of the health of the sport in Canada and also having a major event in your hometown, can you see in a broader context it's a success?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Oh, yeah, absolutely. To have this many people out, to see all the young kids really enjoying themselves, CP had so many activities for the little kids to do. Not only to watch the golf, but also just to keep them entertained in between shots and stuff.

So I think that that's super cool. I think Golf Canada is only going to continue to get better, and it's fun to be a part of it. I hope that I can continue to chase more victories down the road, but this week, yeah, it was just incredible and I had a lot of fun.

Q. Very important question. Are the shoes going to stay in the lineup?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I don't know. They might be just limited edition this week. They're a little bright. But I had to be patriotic, and Sketchers really set me up well.

Q. How are you feeling physically and mentally for this week and the weeks to come?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I'm tired physical, and especially mentally. It just is a draining week for sure. Hopefully just get some good rest tonight and the next few days and hopefully be ready to go come Thursday.

Q. Biggest crowds you ever played in front of?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think maybe. CP Women's Open are always my biggest crowds, and I think this year would be, yeah, maybe the biggest I've ever played in front of.

So it was pretty cool, especially like start to finish. Sometimes you get a big grouping on one hole or couple holes down the stretch, but to have it from 9:00 a.m. this morning when I started in this 60th place to the end, definitely the biggest. Yeah.

Q. Is there anything that you can take away from this week for when The Open comes back to Ottawa in terms of time management or your routine?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think, you know, every time I play in this championship I'm always learning a little bit on how I can better prepare and also make sure that I have enough time to play my best.

So there are certain things that I'm going to take away from this week and try to use in future events for sure. I feel like when it's this close to home in Ottawa I really try to embrace the fans even more so. I know a lot more people personally, and I think I'm just trying to be a little bit more engaged.

So maybe that's a little bit more tiring so I wouldn't maybe do that every single week, but I think one week a year it's kind of worth it.

Q. Winning score minus-19, minus-20. Are you surprised with that?

BROOKE HENDERSON: With how soft the conditions have been with the weather we had earlier this week, I'm not really that surprised, because you could attack a lot of pins. It's great playing though, and obviously they're making tons of putts, which I did not do.

The girls out here are so talented. I'm not surprised it's this low with the conditions.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124157-1-1041 2022-08-28 18:55:00 GMT

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