Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Maddie Szeryk

Quick Quotes

Q. How did it feel out there today?

MADDIE SZERYK: It was good. You know, I was hoping for a few more birdies, but overall it was a great week. I'm really, really happy with the result. It was just awesome to have such a good week at the Canadian Open.

Q. Is it safe to say that this is the best week you've had on the LPGA Tour?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, yes, definitely. Yeah, played really well and just being in Canada was even better for that.

Q. How much of a difference will this make for your career or at least for the rest of the season?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, I think just being confident and knowing that I can play well and just having four really solid days and just building off that.

So I think, yeah, definitely you're just more confident after a good finish.

Q. Obviously just came from the scoring table so you haven't had a lot of time to process things.


Q. What are some of the takeaways you have?

MADDIE SZERYK: I think just knowing that I can compete out here and play well and have hopefully a long career out here.

Q. Is there anything from this that you can say, okay this is what I got to work on next?

MADDIE SZERYK: I think just being consistent. I had a couple shaky drives today, but I think overall it was really good. I think just kind of tightening things up even more.

Q. Being biggest CP Women's Open Women's Open. Did you get a chance to soak it in?

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, it is really special. I definitely got a little choked up on 18, just the crowd and just everyone coming out and being so supportive. It was really special.

Q. (Indiscernible.) How much did you want that putt to fall?

MADDIE SZERYK: So badly. It was so close. Yeah, so hopefully...

Q. (Indiscernible.)

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Yep.

Q. Where do you go from here?

MADDIE SZERYK: I go to Ohio next week so I'm in the field for the next couple weeks.

Q. That must feel good, to have those locked away and have your plan for the month set out.

MADDIE SZERYK: Yes, yes, yeah. Very nice, because it's been a lot of last-minute trips this year, at least I know the next few and can go from there.

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