Canadian Pacific Women's Open

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club

Closing Ceremonies

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our officially closing ceremonies. Before we do a few things, let's hear it for the Fanfare team and the Soldiers of the Governor General's Foot Guards. (Applause.)

Golf Canada acknowledges that Ottawa is located on unseated territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation. I would like to honor the land and the peoples of the Anishinaabe Algonquin nation whose ancestors have lived on this territory for millennia, and whose culture and presence have nurtured and continue to nurture this land.


I want to start off by saying I covered this tournament for many years. I can't think of a better one that we've ever had. You rocked, Ottawa. Congratulations.


Now it's my pleasure to introduce the president of Golf Canada, Liz Hoffman. (Applause.)

LIZ HOFFMAN: Merci, Bob. What an incredible finish to celebrate the return of the CP Women's Open.


This week has been so special with our friends from the Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club and the 1,300 volunteers that welcomed back the 48th playing of our national championship.

As Bob said, Ottawa volunteers rock.


To Superintendent Eric Ruhs, Eric, and the incredible grounds team, which are -- wave. They're over there. Yep. What you've done to prepare for this championship dealing with the adversity of the damaging storm has been simply exceptional.


Golf Canada is so proud of our incredible partnership with CP and the LPGA Tour for their collaboration in this historic championship, specifically, to James and everyone at CP. What you've done through the charity platform of this tournament to leave a legacy in our local community is absolutely incredible. Thank you.

It's been such an honor to host the world's best players. I have not stopped smiling since I set foot on site. Thank you everyone for welcoming us back. Thank you.


THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Liz. There were 19 Canadians who started the week here at Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club in the CP Women's Open, and we give an award to the low Canadian. This is the Marlene Street Award for the amateur. That's coming up in it just a second.

For the low Canadian, the Sandra Post Award, named after of course the great Canadian Golf Hall of Famer Sandra host. The winner unfortunately can't be with us. She had to toodle off to Toledo for Monday qualifying, and that's Alena Sharp. How about we give a big round to Alena for a wonderful performance here this week.


Now I would like to call upon Golf Canada CEO Laurence Applebaum to present the Marlene Street Low Amateur Award. That goes to Anna Davis.


Anna, you've had quite a year. You won the Augusta National Women's Amateur; you won this. I'm assuming that playing here is just as good as playing in Augusta National, right?

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, yes, it was great. Definitely one of my funner LPGA Tour events. Thank you guys so much.

THE MODERATOR: All right. Thank you, Anna.


I would now like to call up James Clements, senior vice president of strategic planning and technology transformation for CP to say a few words on behalf of the CP.

JAMES CLEMENTS: Thank you, Bob. First thing I want to say is this was an amazing week of golf. The athletes here put on a fantastic show. I think everybody was blown away by them.

But to put on a quality event like this takes a lot of work from a lot of people. I want to thank a number of groups. I would start with Golf Canada. You've been a fantastic partner and put on a fantastic show. So thank you.


I want to thank the LPGA for supporting this event and helping the turnout to be what we have today.

Also, Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club, you put on such a show. It made this tournament fantastic, spectacular. Thank you very much.


And finally, we're super appreciative of the volunteers. Without the number of people that lined up to help in this tournament and make it special, it wouldn't have happened. So very big thanks to the volunteers.


CP is really proud to be associated with such an event, and part of what we want to get out of this event is giving back to the communities. That's really meaningful to us. So I'm proud to announce that fundraising activities earlier today, CP presented CHEO with a check for $2.5 million.


We also presented the Perth & Smiths Falls Hospital Foundation with a check for $510,000.


With those donations and the visibility we've created to all the hard work for the doctors and nurses and experts in cardiac centers across Canada and across North America, we've made a total of $32 million of donations over the course of CP Has Heart. We're looking forward to continuing our donations into the future.


So with that, I'm going to ask Liz to join me and we'll present the trophy. Paula Reto.


THE MODERATOR: Congratulations.


There is a tradition, Paula, here in Canada. You have to pick that trophy up and hold it over your head. Do you want to do that now or later?


THE MODERATOR: Do that a little later? Come on over here for a second. We want to ask you a couple quick questions here. First of all, this is your first LPGA Tour win. Congratulations.


PAULA RETO: Thank you. Thank you.

THE MODERATOR: How does it feel to be a winner now on the LPGA Tour?

PAULA RETO: You know, it probably hasn't set in yet, but it feels really good. It's a dream come true. We work so hard for to moment and sometimes you feel like you're not going to reach it, and when you do, it's such an accomplishment. I'm really happy that here in Canada could have been my first.


THE MODERATOR: You had a pretty remarkable week. You set the course record. You held off the charge by some veterans who got some wins in there, and you did it looking so easy. I don't know, was it as easy as it looked?

PAULA RETO: You know what? I think I really like the greens here. I see my line and my speed was really good, and that helped me being able to shoot 9-under and kind of gave my confidence for the other three days.

So, yeah, I like the golf course. It fits my eye, which always makes it easier. But, yeah, I'm really excited.

THE MODERATOR: When you leave here, what will you remember about all these volunteers over here, all these fans who have covered and walked with you throughout this?

PAULA RETO: Everybody was so nice and for everybody to come out and celebrate and enjoy golf like we do, it's so awesome. I'll always the remember the big crowds and how everybody was here.

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations. Paula Reto, everybody. (Applause.)

Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes our ceremony, the awards ceremony. I would love to welcome you one year from now for the 2023 CP Women's Open at the Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club in Vancouver. We'll see you then. Thank you everybody.


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