CPKC Women's Open

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome back everyone inside the CPKC Women's Open media center. I am pleased to be joined by the one and only Brooke Henderson. Brooke, welcome back to your national Open and welcome back to Vancouver.

Overall, what's it like being back at the CPKC Women's Open?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's amazing. I'm so excited that we have the opportunity to play here at Shaughnessy. It's an amazing golf course and CPKC always treats all the girls and myself extremely well this week, so it's a lot of fun.

Yeah, just going to try to go out and make the most of this opportunity.

Q. What's it like preparing for this national Open for you? I know this event means so much to you. I know were here for media day a couple months ago. Overall what has the excitement level been like for you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, this week is a big deal. It's the highlight of my year pretty much every year. It's exciting to get to be so close to so many fans, and regardless of where we are in the country, the fans and the crowds come out to watch.

Just to feel that kind of love and support, it's really special. I try to do my best and try to sign a bunch of autographs and take pictures, but also trying to make sure that I give the right amount of time for myself to really prepare and get the right amount of rest so I can go out and perform on Thursday through Sunday.

Winning this championship back in 2018 is definitely the highlight of my career, so I would love to be able to do that again someday.

Q. I know, as you said, this week is a lot. There is definitely that of pressure of everything. How do you approach this week? Is there anything you do differently to just subdue all the additional responsibilities or pressures?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think coming into the week you know it's going to be a big week, and that's like really exciting. Like I said, it's such an incredible opportunity. This week I'm just trying to make the most of that opportunity and be the best I can on and off the course.

You know, it's been a little bit up and down year, so hopefully this will be more of an up week. I feel like the game is trending in the right direction, and got to stick to the process.

Q. You played the golf course today. Can we get some initial thoughts on Shaughnessy and what's it going to take to have success on this golf course this week?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, yesterday morning early played the back nine and then played the front nine today, so got to see all 18 holes. It's in amazing condition. It's going to be really fun and a challenge to play. I think ball striking is something definitely going to be a big key here.

The fairways are pretty tight and the greens are pretty small, so ball striking will definitely be very important and a big key. The greens are very slopey as well, so making sure you're hitting the right spots on the greens.

I am heading out to the range after this to work on some ball striking, so hopefully it's sharp come Thursday.

Q. Five years since you won this championship in 2018. Some days does it feel like it's been five years? Some days does it feel like yesterday? Talk about the time in between the win and the five-year anniversary this year.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it's crazy that it was five years ago. I feel like here on tour time goes by really quickly. I can't believe it's already August this year and only have eight events left for my playing schedule. Things go by really quick.

I still remember so many details of that rainy, windy, cold Sunday in Regina. It was just a highlight, and I'll always remember how special that was.

To have the opportunities again this week with four solid rounds, I could potentially put myself in that position again, which is really, really exciting.

You know, I kind of get goosebumps even just thinking with those special moment five years ago. I would love the opportunity and the chance to repeat it.

Q. Just a little bit more on the golf course. What in particular do you think have to do especially well to contend this week?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, I mentioned the ball striking. It's going to be a big key because the fairways are tight and the trees stick out on certain sides of the fairways, too, so it's going to be important to have a good strategy and then to be able to execute.

Q. Do you expect it is going to be one of those weeks where par is a pretty good score? How do you view scoring this week? I know it's difficult to make a prediction. What's your gut feeling about scoring this week?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, definitely a lot of variables and the conditions, too, and depending on the weather and the wind. But right now I think pars will be a very good score and I don't imagine scores will be too low. Greens are firm, hard to hold.

It's not like you can just go in and really be attacking a lot of things either. Pars are good I think this week and birdies are bonus.

Q. One last question from me: You touched on this earlier. How would you describe your year? You won your first event, had a second recently at the Evian, and then some not-so-great results. How are you looking at the year?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, to start out on such a high was amazing, and I'm really happy that I took some pressure off early. Winning every year is a big goal of mine and I would like to win twice, so hopefully the second win is coming up here soon.

Definitely took a lot of pressure off early in the year, which is really nice. I haven't had as many top results as maybe I would've liked, but I feel like I'm learning a lot this year and continuing to grow as a person and a player. I think that's the main goal, just continuing to grow and try to get better all the different ways you can.

You know, finishing second at Evian where I was defending champion, that was really cool. It was a lot of fun to be back in contention and shooting low scores and playing great golf. Celine played amazing and I just couldn't catch her. Nobody could. She was just too good.

To be in the final groups again and feeling that energy was a big boost. Hopefully the next few weeks here -- I'm playing three in a row -- so hopefully I can get that feeling again.

Q. It's been a while since Vancouver hosted one of Canada's national golf championships. How does it feel to be bringing the sport back to one of Canada's largest cities as Canada's most prominent golfer promoting the sport here?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I love this area. I love Vancouver. I love the Pacific Northwest, so I'm super excited to be back here. It was fun few weeks ago. I came in really quickly for media day, but even that quick journey up here was really amazing.

I feel like it's so beautiful. The view we have on 10 and 11 and 12 this week, the tall trees, everything about this place is really special, so it's cool that we get to bring the world's best female golfers to this area, and hopefully lots of people can come out and support and watch.

Q. I have a colleague in our business department who is writing a story of the growth of recreational golf among women, especially for business networking. Curious, what do you think of how women are getting into the sport at a recreational level?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I think it's great. You mentioned networking and for business. I think that's amazing. A lot of the women that I play pro-ams with, they say that exact thing, that they've gained a lot from being able to play the sport and connect with their male counterparts on a golf course, too.

So I think if we can continue to grow that, I think that's great. I think it starts with the younger generations, so the young girls and boys that are here this week. Hopefully we can inspire and motivate them to pick up the game.

THE MODERATOR: I think that will do it for questions in the room. We do have a couple on Zoom.

Q. John did bring up something about your love for the Pacific Northwest. Obviously this two-week stretch, also going to Portland, just overall what is this stretch of golf, how excited have you been to come to the west coast?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yes, I definitely love this area. Three -- four of my wins, I guess -- well, I had one in California and then one -- or two in Portland and one in Washington.

So, yeah, I know I love this area and I feel like I love the tall trees and how they frame the fairways, and that's exactly what this course has.

I just love the atmosphere and the vibes, and it's just special to be here this week.

Then I'm looking forward to next week, too, where I've won twice. That definitely gives me a little bit of confidence and a little bit of boost for the rest of the year, and hopefully just have some solid weeks.

Q. Have to ask you about your glasses. Did you previously wear contacts or is this the first for you going to glasses? What's it feel like playing with them?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, so I've worn glasses off the course for a long time but I've never played with them, so it was a bit of a change. But it was just time that I wanted to be able to see things a little bit better and maybe not depend on Brit so much.

So I started practicing with them last week and seemed to go pretty well. This will be the first week in competition. I'm excited. Yeah, like I said, it's really nice to be able to see some things. Hopefully it gives me maybe not an advantage, but helps me improve my game a little bit.

Q. Does your sister have mosquito repellant?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, we're going to need it I think.

Q. In other sports Canada has a lot of athletes to follow. In women's golf, you're easily one of the most prominent. Do you ever feel like you're playing with this extra pressure of country on your shoulders? How do you relieve that kind of any additional pressure?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, I love playing for Canada. Every time I tee it up, on the first tee when they announce me from -- sometimes from Smiths Falls, sometimes from Ontario, but always from Canada, and it's just an amazing feeling for me.

You know, hopefully representing Canada at the Olympics next year as well. Going to Olympics has definitely been a huge highlight for me in Rio and Tokyo. I think definitely there is some more pressure, but I really enjoy the opportunity and I'm just trying to be my best out there. I appreciate the support and the love that I receive from Canadians and from around the world, all fans.

It's really special, and sometimes I feel like I have to pinch myself like all these people are out watching me and supporting me. It's really cool, and hopefully I can make them proud.

Q. You've had success on tree-lined courses on Sahalee and Columbia Edgewater. Being very aggressive off the tee, hitting drivers on holes where other players wouldn't. Is that the game plan this week? And are you still comfortable playing that aggressive style? This course in general we've heard from a couple players that maybe being the most aggressive is going to be a little challenging.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think strategy will definitely be key this week. Definitely has the tall beautiful trees lining the fairways, but I'm not sure I'll be able to be as aggressive as I would like or I normally am. I think we'll have to be smart aggressive and choose the holes wherever we can push it up the fairway, and other holes just lay back to a good distance.

We talked earlier. I think pars are a really good score here, and just try to give as many good birdie looks as we can and hopefully make a few.

THE MODERATOR: I think we're good. Thank you, Brooke.


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