CPKC Women's Open

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Maddie Szeryk

Ellie Szeryk

Quick Quotes

Q. You know, get to go play in an LPGA Tour event together.

MADDIE SZERYK: Pretty cool. I'm like super excited. She like tried to FaceTime us when she got the call and we're were all like, we're busy. Pick up! I got the exemption into the Canadian Open.

So it's really special. We played a practice round together this morning, so just a lot of heckling going on. Love and support.

ELLIE SZERYK: It's pretty special. It's always been a dream of mine. I always knew my sister was going to be on LPGA, and so she's like five years older than me, so just growing up I was like, oh, I can't wait to play with my sister one day, because I never really got to play with her in amateur golf.

So yeah, it was pretty cool yesterday putting next to her on the green. It's comforting because if she wasn't here I would be a nervous wreck. Just having Maddie here, it's definitely a big comfort and pretty cool.

Q. What's the heckling like when you're playing together? Can you repeat it?

MADDIE SZERYK: Well like...

ELLIE SZERYK: It's more so physical than...

MADDIE SZERYK: I like knock the ball off her tee when she tee'd it up on one hole.

ELLIE SZERYK: I tripped her with my driver, yeah.


ELLIE SZERYK: Lots of height jokes.

MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah. Everyone, like all my friends were like, oh, my God, your sister is so much taller. I'm like, I know.

ELLIE SZERYK: Yeah, the ladies said to ask which one is the older one and when they ask they get surprised when I go, her.

Q. When you're not teasing Ellie have you given her any tips for playing on the LPGA Tour?

MADDIE SZERYK: A little bit. I think we'll have a conversation closer to the --


MADDIE SZERYK: Yeah, tomorrow. So just light jokes right now and then we'll have a more --

ELLIE SZERYK: She's more so given me like directional advice of like, this is where you go. Don't use more than three balls putting and that kind of stuff.

Yeah, I'll definitely be asking her for a few tips tomorrow for sure.

Q. What's the experience been like for you so far being in the pro clubhouse and there is already fans and media? Like it's a different level.

ELLIE SZERYK: Yeah, it's pretty cool. A lot of girls that I looked up to and still watch, because I love watching golf, it's pretty cool to see them putting next to me or when I hit next to them. So that's been really special.

Yeah, it kind of feels normal because I have Maddie here. I think if Maddie wasn't here I would be losing my mind a little bit.

But just hearing Maddie's experience throughout the years, I've kind of gotten to live through her in that situation. So, yeah, it's just really cool. Like not as many nerves as I think I would've had without Maddie. Yeah, just really cool seeing everyone I've looked up to.

Q. What are you expecting the crowds to be like? As Maddie can attest, there will be a lot of fans because you're Canadian and you got the Canadian fans out.

ELLIE SZERYK: I'm just happy to be here. I have no expectations for anything. (Laughter.) I'm not the star of the show here. It's more Brooke and Maddie.

So I'll take even if it's one person, that person being my mom or my dad, I don't know.

MADDIE SZERYK: The Canadian Open always has a huge fan base. There is always like the biggest crowds and I think the Canadians like really rally around this.


MADDIE SZERYK: Because it's their one event and no matter where it is, there is just tons of people. It's just really cool.

Q. You mentioned, Maddie, that when Ellie got the news that she got a sponsor's exemption, none of you were available. What was that like? How did you find out?

ELLIE SZERYK: I was busy practicing working on my putting and setting up all my drills and I got this random call from Vancouver. I was like, it's probably a spam but I'll pick up.

And it was Sal, one of the Team Canada coaches and she was like, oh, how is it going, making smalltalk. And I was like, okay, maybe she's offering me a spot in Monday qualifier. I don't know.

And then she told me I got an invite and I like started like pacing around because I was like, oh, my gosh. It's my first week of university, so I was like, I have to email my professors and ask my coach if I can go and all these things.

Then I like tried to FaceTime the family and like no one would pick up. I'm like, I've got such big news. Someone, please. Yeah, it was really cool. Really excited and really shocked because I wasn't expecting to get an invite.

Yeah, I already had tee times planned for this week to go play with my teammates, so I was like, sorry guys, I have to cancel a few things. Yeah.

Q. When does training camp or tournament play start for your varsity team?

ELLIE SZERYK: Second week of September is our first tournament, but we've already started team practices and workouts. Yeah, missing the first week.

Q. I was going to say, because that happened last year at last year's, Lauren Zaretsky, who I'm sure you guys know.

ELLIE SZERYK: Uh-huh, yeah.

Q. She had to like call her NCAA coach and be like, so sorry, but like I made the third round so...

ELLIE SZERYK: Yeah. Yeah, no, thankfully my college coach is really cool about it. She's actually caddieing for me this week.

Q. Oh, amazing.

ELLIE SZERYK: Yeah. They were really excited about it all.

Q. What's her name?

ELLIE SZERYK: Lauren Mason.

Q. Ellie, second time competing in this event, what have you learned from that or what will you take from that experience in 2018?

ELLIE SZERYK: Oh, man, it was a long time ago and a lot of my game has changed since then. I think for me, because I am hoping to go to Q-School next year, I'm just really looking to see what I need to improve on.

Yeah, I'm just learning about patience. A lot of the stuff I've learned from Maddie really over the year. Okay, if you're out of position, don't be stupid. Just put yourself in position to make par and move on, because a lot can happen in golf.

Yeah, for me it's just a really big learning experience and seeing what can I take into Q-School next year and what will I need to be better.

Q. For both of you, what's the family or friends presence going to be, if any?

MADDIE SZERYK: So both parents are here. Or mom flies in tomorrow night. Dad is here; flew with her Sunday. Then I think we have a couple aunts and uncles that are coming that are from here.

ELLIE SZERYK: Yeah. A lot of my mom's cousins.

MADDIE SZERYK: I know. Everyone was like, oh, once Ellie got in, oh, I'll come over. No one was coming when it was just me.

ELLIE SZERYK: Yeah, it was funny because my mom was saying, well, I'm not going to go. It's a pretty far track. I was like, what if I got in, joking. Okay, for sure I'll go. (Laughter.)

Like after like Canadian U.S. Am obviously I didn't win so I didn't get an exemption, and so I called, mom, like sorry you have to go to BC. Yeah, she was more than happy.


ELLIE SZERYK: It's just really cool for them.

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