CPKC Women's Open

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Rose Zhang

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome back inside the media center at the CPKC Women's Open. Pleased to be joined by Rose Zhang. Rose, welcome to your first CPKC Women's Open. How excited are you to tee it up this week in your first Canadian Open?

ROSE ZHANG: I'm so excited. This is the first time I've been here in Canada. Says a lot because I'm from Southern California and there is a lot of Canadians over there, especially in the winter is when they're practicing.

So now that I'm here, it's beautiful. Weather is amazing. Golf course is in top-tier shape. So really excited to see some crowds out there and just have fun.

Q. I believe this is your first time in Vancouver as well.


Q. What has it been like situating to the Pacific Northwest?

ROSE ZHANG: It's been actually a little hectic. I never seen so many fans out here. There is a lot of Chinese fans out here as well. In downtown Vancouver there is Chinatown and a lot of people like coming over and watching a bit of golf.

I've been really welcomed here, so it's been really cool to just see little kids and give out autographs here and there. I've definitely felt the energy.

Q. And you were able to take part in something quite special yesterday. I would love to know more about it and what that was like for you.

ROSE ZHANG: It was incredible. I was a part of the First Tee British Columbia program and I did a little bit of a clinic, and in honor of Golf Canada, they enabled me to just be the special guest out there to I guess inspire little kids, especially with now the indigenous people.

We want to honor them, especially in Canada. The grounds, I believe it was Musqueam Golf Course. It was the first piece of land where they really had indigenous people be able to lease it and own it.

So it was a special place, a special time, and even though it was only a short hour, it really engrained in me that my platform does make a difference, even it's the littlest bit of time that I'm spending.

Q. I was going to say, since winning and coming out on tour, you have been able to kind of I guess see a little bit of what even an autograph or talking to someone can do. When you're able to experience a clinic or impactful moment like that, what does that do for your overall standing of what it means to be on this tour?

ROSE ZHANG: There is no words to describe how blessed and thankful I am to be able to be on this stage and playing the sport that I love. If anything, it makes me want to go out there and not only do my best on the golf course, but even off the golf course. Making sure that I'm doing everything that I can to become my best self. Be someone that other people can look up to and feel encouraged to play this game.

That's all I really want. I realized that the LPGA Tour, being on this platform and seeing so many other veterans do the same thing, it really humbles me and wants me to become better.

Q. About this golf course and preparing for this kind of golf course, how many holes have you been able to look at? Have you been able to play all 18? What's it been like preparing for Shaughnessy?

ROSE ZHANG: Right, I was supposed to come in Sunday but ended up having a hurricane in Southern California, so came Monday. But I was able to play yesterday nine holes, today nine holes in the pro-am. Got to see the entire golf course.

It's in top-tier shape. Rough is pretty thick actually. I heard they watered the entire golf course, which is why there were a lot of the mosquitoes out there. I heard it's actually less than the previous week, so safe to say we're on the right track there.

But apart from that, it's small greens, very slopey. Fast actually. We got really nice fairways to play from, so I think this golf course is going to be difficult for a lot of people - all girls out there - but whoever is the most precise and also the most patient will ultimately prevail.

Q. I would like to talk about The Rink?


Q. I don't know how much of a hockey fan you are out there. Since you've been able to play 17, thoughts on the atmosphere of what that may turn into, especially this weekend?

ROSE ZHANG: Oh, I know that's going to be bustling, especially on 17. I saw the setup. It's really fun. It's such a fun theme. I don't know much about hockey, but Gilly, my caddie, used to be a professional hockey player. He may give me some tips this week and show me around the Canadian roots a little more.

Q. I feel like I know Gilly enough and this is the first time I'm hearing of this. When you're on 17 or in this environment, does he get a little bit more excited?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, he's been really excited the entire week. He's been telling me what Canadians say on a regular basis to the kind of drinks that they drink and whatnot.

It's really cool to just see the culture, and he's really excited. There is a lot of people coming to watch him, not me. So I'm excited for him as well. (Smiling.)

Q. I think I would be remiss to also mention that this is obviously the last event in preparation for the U.S. Solheim team going into the 2023 in Spain. For you, how much do you kind of keep that to the back of your mind and how much is it front of mind for you knowing this is the last event to inevitably qualify?

ROSE ZHANG: Certainly. I've been really lucky to have the experiences of playing two Junior Solheim Cups, and we were victorious in both of them. I've been able to represent my country in that format, and to be able to do so as a professional would simply mean the world.

Even though it's not something that I forefront think about on the daily, it's definitely a goal to have, especially since it's right in front of me. And especially playing for Stacy. I was able to play for her at the Spirit International as she was my captain, so it would mean a little something extra special.

Q. This is only, what, your sixth, seventh, eighth, LPGA Tour event? In terms of difficulty, sounds like you think this course is going to play quite difficult. How would you rank it in terms of difficulty in your short LPGA Tour career?

ROSE ZHANG: I would say -- it's hard to describe because every single golf course is different. Every single person has a different eye to different golf courses.

So it's a little bit hard to rank. I will say for me personally it seems like it can be in the -- I don't have any -- I don't have many golf courses to compare it to -- but Top 3, Top 5, which is basically all the events that I've been playing. (Laughter.)

So it's definitely up there, though. I will say Top 3.

Q. She also played Baltusrol and Pebble Beach.

ROSE ZHANG: It's hard to say with me playing so many majors in the short career I've had thus far.

THE MODERATOR: I think we're good then, thank you, Rose, for coming in.

ROSE ZHANG: Thank you, appreciate it.

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