CPKC Women's Open

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club

Gabriela Ruffels

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Gabbi, a 2-under day today with the challenging conditions, an early morning for you. Just overall how are you feeling stepping off the course?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, feeling good. It was definitely a good round out there. I know that conditions were tough, especially going out early in the morning. Ball wasn't flying as much. It was pretty cold.

Yeah, I mean, definitely felt tough out there and I'm happy with my score.

Q. Not a lot of people under par, so to walk away with an under-par score, as you said, is very impressive. What were some of the highlights out there, especially with the early birdies?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, I had six birdies out there. I had a couple in a row, but it was good to finish with a par on 8, which was a tough par-3, and a birdie on 9, which is also a tough par-4 straight into the wind.

I would say my last kind of finishing holes were pretty good.

Q. What was working there on kind of that last hole to be able to walk away with a birdie there?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, I mean, it was a good putt. I hit a good shot out of the rough, but it was a good putt. It was a slider left to right. Broke like a foot. That was a really tough pin position, tough hole, and definitely happy to step away with a birdie.

Q. That consecutive streak of birdies you had there, what was working well for and you how did that kind of kick up past some of the challenges of today?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, I think putting was really going good today. These greens are tricky out here. They're tricky to read. They're super fast and super slopey, and was able to read it well and match line and speed.

Hopefully keep it going tomorrow.

Q. After the pro-am, after some practice, how are you feeling getting used to what Shaughnessy has to offer?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, definitely feel like I'm used to it. It's my fourth day out here, so definitely feel like I'm getting used to the grass, conditions, getting more used to the course.

Yeah, just keep it going.

Q. For tomorrow what will you focus on working on to keep yourself under par like you are today?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: I would say keep the same game plan. Go out there, do a few chips, just kind of touch up on a bit of everything and, yeah, hopefully be ready to go tomorrow.

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